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"WHAT?" James. Face red, looking ready to blow up, playing the part of the protective older brother.

"WHAT?" Albus, quite disbelieving, unsure of himself, reaction paired with Hermione, who had more control of her emotions.

"WHAT?" Ron and Harry, not entirely grasping the situation.

"Shut up!" she whispered, "People are still in class," her face beet red. "Muffliato!"

Scorpius froze, processing her words, taken aback by what he was hearing. Rose Granger-Weasley, Quidditch extraordinaire, Albus's cousin, and the person he fantasized about the most liked him! Wait she liked him?! And with that thought he ran forward to her and looked into her piercing blue eyes, "I really like you too Rose Granger-Weasley," then their lips crashed into each other's, ready and welcoming and Scorpius's towering height was ignored when he picked up all 5 '4 of her and spinning her around, grey eyes locking into her own.

Needless to say, Draco Malfoy had a very entertaining reaction, when he came across the Slytherin kissing what looked like a Weasley. "Who the hell are you?" he asked, before eyeing the stunned Gryffindors and Slytherins.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry's spell, quick and sharp, caught Malfoy off guard and his wand flew out of his hand and tumbling onto the floor, it rested at his feet. Rose and Scorpius, moment forgotten, had faces tinted red, while James was seething with anger. Scorpius put her down and they quickly edged away from each other.

"That was certainly your favorite spell Potter," the fourth-year students whipped around to see five adults staring at them.

"And there goes the hopes of fixing the timeline," muttered older Harry throwing his hands up in the air.


"Incarcerous!" the spell rung out loud and clear, older Hermione going into action first, binding the past versions of themselves with ropes. Their appearance had its intended effect. Ron, Harry and Malfoy, the dunderheads, were too busy gaping at them to realize they had wands.

Adult Ron stormed right up to Rose, "You young lady, will be not speaking to that Malfoy," Ron replied throwing a dark glance at Scorpius, dragging her to the safety of her parents. He shifted uncomfortably under the heat of Ron's withering glare, which was laughable at best to Albus, who ran into the arms of his parents.

"Woah," younger Ron whispered, "I look so weird," he subconsciously touched his chin. "Do I have a beard?" He narrowed his eyes, then glanced away obviously perturbed.

Older Hermione, after hugging Rose, walked over to her younger self. "Sometimes I don't know why I married him, but I did."

"It's 'cause you love him!" James yelled out, in the middle of being scolded by Ginny.

Harry stared at older self in fascination, they didn't look that beat up. Stressed, yes, tired, yes, but not entirely devastated. Did that mean... they survived the war with Voldermort? That he managed to make it okay, with all of them alive? Did he get to have a future, with Ginny, Ron, Hermione, did he get to live with Sirius? His mind was blooming with possibilities, suddenly the future seemed a lot brighter. Heck, Ms. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, the twins, the whole family! Would he finally find his place?

If so, then what were they doing with... Malfoy? Surely they weren't friends, possibly acquaintances, after all their children were friends, but could it be?

He turned around to see younger Malfoy wrinkling his nose at the slightest prospect of being seen with a Gryffindor, better yet friends with a Potter. Harry rolled his eyes, "You know if you roll your eyes enough you could finally see that tiny thing you call a brain back there, Potter," Malfoy retorted.

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