James Sirius Potter is Smart-- Well, Kind Of

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James races alongside Rose in the once familiar corridors of Hogwarts. "Rose?" he asked uncertainly. "I need answers. Now."

"Well, James," she spoke to him as if he was three, "Albus and Scorpius did a big no-no and now we are stuck in the past."

Ignoring her rudeness, James cried out in shock. "I mean, this can't happen. According to Dad, there are no more time-turners left..."

"Well, things happen," Rose said as they veered a corner, then they ran into two people they thought they would never see.

"Scorpius!" Rose shouted out in delight, her joy mirroring his.

"Nice to see you too Rose," Albus grumbled.

James ruffles his younger brother's hair, "Don't worry Al, I'm here, we can be ignored forever!"

Pushing James antics to the side Scorpius said, "We just saw our parents, and Snape... who was just as delightful as Rose's dad described him as."

"Parents..." Rose mused. "What did they have on their robes?"

"Is that really important?"

"Yes. Now tell me."

Albus recalled, "Scorpius's dad had this badge on him as well as a lot of other Slytherins. It was flashing... something about my dad on it? I don't know, it didn't seem important..."

Before Rose could respond, James cut in, wanting to be part of the conversation. "So we're in our parents' fourth year!" Everybody looked at him in shock. "Yes, yes," he took a bow, "I'm smart, thank you."

"But how did you figure that out?" Scorpius questioned.

"Well, my dad told us rather boring stories of him when he was younger and he said something that Scorpius's dad made, it was a badge that read something about him being stinky and I don't know..."

"Oh, James!" Rose scolded, "You have the memory span the size of a teaspoon!"

"I only listen to the funny parts. Sue me."

Albus interrupted, "Stop bickering! Merlin's beard, it seems like you're three-year-olds! We have to find a way to get out of here. We have to find out a way to contact our parents — from the future I mean."

"I for one actually agree with Al," Albus pouted and Scorpius stuck his tongue out in response. "Last time it was his dad's baby blanket so if we could find something of his again —"

They were interrupted by a voice. "James? Albus? Rose?" Curious, the students looked around for the source of the voice. "I'm in your pocket, James!" Blushing furiously James took out a mirror shard.

Their parents came into view, "Mum? Dad?"

"Where on Earth are you? We were contacted by McGonagall for the second time this year, well not for you James," James smirked as Rose simply rolled her eyes, "More like the thirtieth time... Is that... Hogwarts? What did Minerva mean that she couldn't find you, I swear if..."

Smiling sheepishly Albus stepped forward to the mirror, "Er, I'm not sure how to put this, but we traveled back in time, to dad's fourth year—"

"WHAT!" A series of shouts filled the empty corridors and Hermione, in the background, calmed everyone down. "You guys need to find a way to get out of there. We will too. The mirror can't handle the pressure of time itself, on our side, it's already starting to crack... I love you, Rose, we'll see each other soon." A chorus of goodbyes was said then the mirror shattered in James' hand.

James sadly looked at the broken mirror, "It was a present from Dad," he whispered.

Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder Scorpius assured him, "We'll see them again for sure, don't worry."

"Ew get your hand off me you slimy Slytherin," Scorpius sighed removing his hand off of James who was receiving glares from both Rose and Albus.

"You're aware your brother is in Slytherin, James?" Rose questioned.

Meanwhile, Albus was trying to calm Rose down. "Oh she doesn't care for you Albus, she just loveeees Malfoy Jr. over here," James teased pointing to Scorpius.

"I WILL GET YOU JAMES SIRIUS POTTER IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" She was about to charge at him when the four of them heard gasps coming from a corner close to them. But there was no one there.

Quickly, Albus reached out and grabbed ahold of something, a cloak, revealing three very speechless Gryffindor students.

OOOOO! What will happen? How will Harry and his friends react?

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