EPILOGUE: So What Do We Do Now?

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The nine wizards and witches appeared in Hogwarts in the middle of an empty hallway.

Albus groaned, "Are you kidding me? After all this hassle, did we just end up in the same place?"

"There's nobody knocked out on the floor, so that can mean only one thing..." James responded.

"That we're back to the present?"

"No! It must mean we're farther in the past!" he answered brightly.

Groaning, everyone else proceeded down the hallway to the headmaster's office to find out if they returned to the proper time.


"Well I'm happy to see you all are back, however," McGonagall frowned, "how did you acquire a Time-Turner in the first place?"

Scorpius stepped forward, "You see Professor McGonagall, after class I went back to the dorm Albus and I share and the Time-Turner was just laying on my bed. No note attached to it, nothing. Only the Time-Turner."

She raised an eyebrow, "And you thought it would be a good idea to test it? After your previous encounters with Time-Turners I doubt that you two would be so eager to have another time travelling experience."

This time it was Albus's turn to speak. Aware of everyone's eyes on him, he stumbled on his words, "We kinda... well it was my fault... we were heading to turn the Time-Turner in and I kinda knocked it out of Scorpius's hands..." he added, "...accidentally that is."

"Your telling me that you two destroyed a priceless artifact that has the capabilities to disrupt the entire timeline and the world as we know it?" She sighed, "There will be no punishment allotted for today, next time be more careful. Hopefully there won't be a next time. And Ms. Granger?" After all these years, Hermione was still the student whenever she faced the Headmistress of Hogwarts, even with her position as the Minister of Magic, she was still reduced to the same bushy-haired girl handing homework to her, nervous and unsure.

"I believe that it is for the best to destroy the Time-Turner," taking in some of the shocked faces around the room, she continued, "As you saw with Delphi, if there is even a smidgen of Voldemort's followers, they could find a way to this Time-Turner and steal it." Albus flinched at the mention of Delphi. The headmistress nodded and with a flick of her wand the Time-Turner seemingly tore into pieces.

"I believe it is time for the students to return to their common rooms as it almost time for dinner," she replied and with a nod they were all excused from the office.

A nervous Scorpius, shuffled to the Headmistress, despite the questioning looks that his friends were giving him.

"Er, Professor McGonagall?"

"What now, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Is it, um, possible to sit at other house tables?" He faltered at her unexpected smile.

"I don't see why not."

"Thank you Professor!" With that he raced out of the room to his friends, robes billowing behind him.

Looking at the surrounding portraits of the past Headmasters and Headmistresses, including Dumbledore's, she left the destroyed Time-Turner remains on her desk and with a furtive glance she exited her office.


The parents left, with Ron giving a warning to Scorpius, and James went to the Great Hall tired of being coddled by his mom.

Albus shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to do with the pair of his friends, the tension growing thick between the two of them. 'I'll get going then, see you at dinner Scorp! Bye Rose!" He sprinted off to the Slytherin dungeons and left Rose and Scorpius in the empty hallway.

"So." Scorpius said.

"So." Rose agreed. "This can be more awkward if you want it too..." she added, raising her chin up.

He smirked, "And if I want it to be awkward?"

"It will be awkward," she tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek, seeing his flushed face she cracked a grin.

"Now that's not fair," he warned, blush growing.

"Who said I'm fair?" she asked playfully, rocking on her heels.

He ran his hands through his hair, "Who's making this situation awkward again?"

"You," she replied simply, then she raced all the way to the Great Hall, with Scorpius following, and that night, when the Gryffindors found a Slytherin sitting next to them they had been more than shocked. Especially if that Gryffindor was Rose Granger-Weasley. And especially if that Slytherin was Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. They were practically gawking.

And if one looked closely enough, they could see Rose's hands entwined with Scorpius's under the table.

"Told you so," Lily Potter whispered under her breath.

"Shut up..." James grumbled.

She smirked, "Now time to pay up!"


The office was empty. Desk, organized, papers sorted and dust combing each edge. In the middle sat the remains of a trinket, once beautiful, it's metal gleaming from the sliver of moonlight beaming from the open window.

Portraits, surrounded by intricate frames, decorated almost every wall of the office, paintings filled with the moving figures of dozing men and women.

One man however, at the very end of the line of portraits, plaque reading ALBUS DUMBLEDORE, was quite awake and behind his spectacles were his light blue eyes, that could be mistaken for grey, gazed at the trinket, corners of his mouth lifting, threatening to form a smile.

He knew what was going to happen. And it wasn't going to be pretty.

He watched through his lenses as the scraps of metal glowed, lighting up the room, and they hovered centimeters off the oak table, and mended together, pieces sliding into each other and soon it was whole.

The finely carved glass, with grains of sand filling each side of the hourglass; the hoop of gold surrounding it began to spin rapidly and with a flash of golden light everything disappeared.

As a Harry Potter had thought several years ago that "All was well," it was indeed not, for far worse things were to come. Far worse.

For starters I DO NOT own the picture above.

Next well I DO NOT own anything in this story except the plot line. I'm aware J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan do.


It was really choppy (sorry) and short... considering I wrote more than three-fourths of this story on my iPhone.

But still, constructive criticism (no hate please) is welcomed and I know some characters seem really OOC (Out of Character) but I'm working on that.

Okay, another thing. There WILL be a sequel! This is a three part series, but if you haven't read Percy Jackson beware you will not get the rest. Because...

Book 2- Percy Jackson Time Travel Fic
Book 3- Harry Potter and Percy Jackson Crossover

I will be getting to the sequel in a month or so due to the other stories I started and didn't finish (check my profile for more!)...

On another note, there were MANY references. Many, many references. Some were obvious, some were not. Some were references to some jokes, others were from other series and one was even in a different language!

I have at least four so PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE, comment them! I'm interested to see what you think they are! The next chapter is not a chapter at all. It will be the references! Okey? Okey.

Words: 992 (not including AN)

Last Edited: July 15, 2019

Mimi is out.

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