Ghosts of the Past

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Hi! Don't be afraid to leave any comments because it can get lonely sometimes... wow I sound really sad. Okay anyways, enjoy!

Rose Granger-Weasley and James Sirius Potter were absent-mindedly chatting about Quidditch, who the best players were of the season and how well each of them thought the team was going to do this year when things went wrong.

James started to voice his complaints about her being friends with Scorpius, and lucky them, they turned around a corner, spotting Scorpius down the corridor, arguing with Albus.

Rose caught sight of them as well, "James," she begged, "just this once?"

He relented but still had his menacing demeanor. As they approached the two boys, they began to move farther away, apparently not noticing them. A small necklace fell out of their hands, then in a blink of an eye, the Slytherins were sinking, the floor around them turning to sand.

At this point, Rose was almost running, "Scorpius!" She managed a strangled cry before she leaped towards them, the sand seemingly swallowing her. James followed his crazy cousin and grabbed ahold of her foot when the four of them disappeared and as if nothing happened, the sand cleared and their screams faded.


James rubbed his head and got up. He was in the Gryffindor Common Room, but wasn't he just outside the Transfiguration classroom... not questioning the abrupt change in scenery, he scanned the room for Rose.

She was out cold on the floor, near the flickering fire that always lit up the common room. Nobody seemed to be in class, but James didn't want to stick around for much longer. He was about to poke Rose and yell at her to get up when a particular set of ginger twins came bounding towards him through the portrait.

"'ello mate! Would you fancy some--"

"-- toffees? Say, we --"

"-- haven't seen you --"

"-- around before?"

Stuttering James managed to give Rose a hard kick in her shins and she jolted awake. As much as he liked adventure, this was too far. Uncle Fred coming back from the dead? This was it, James was ready to quit.

"James!" she yelled accusingly, "How many times have I..." her voice trailed off when she caught sight of the twins. Getting up she stuck out her hand. "Rose, er, Violet. And this," she gestured wildly to James who was bowing, "is my idiotic cousin James Parker. Yes. Parker."

"Are you sure?" George raised his eyebrows. "You don't seem too sure about that."

"I'm posit--"

"Well in that case, great!" Fred interrupted. "Have a toffee or two!" He held out two regular candies with bright wrappers.

Before James could grab one Rose dragged him out of the room by his ear. As she marched out she called out, "I don't fancy any of those Ton-Tongue toffees, I like the way tongue is right now, thank you very much."

She left two gaping twins staring out the portrait hole.

This is a shorter chapter (476 words) but... I'll make the other ones longer. Ok see ya!
- Mimi

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