I Think You Got the Wrong Place

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Shoutout to @lovegoodmedora7 for answering the riddle in a couple chapters back.

It was... which house is Moaning Myrtle in?
Answer: Ravenclaw

After 20 minutes the adults had finally come up with a plan. "Okay, I just found Perseus' address. He still lives in New York City, in Manhattan," Ginny stated.

Ron wrinkled his nose, "Americans are weird, Man-hat-tan... see! I mean where did they even get that name from, and why that specific name why couldn't they --"

"ALRIGHT! We get it Weasley, Americans are weird, moving on!" Harry shot Draco a grateful look, while Ron crossed his arms and continued muttering to himself.

Hermione cleared her throat, "Since Ginny found his address, the both of us will apparate there and knock on his door and ask for the information. Plus, we're more responsible giving us another reason for why we should do this," giving a pointed glare to the men in the room.

"This being our only lead, we'll try to contact Chiron's Academy of Magic afterwards, wherever that is, for more information on these so-called-Fates... Perseus should be able to supply enough information for us to at least get a hint of who they might be or where," Harry declared.

Everybody, on board with the plan, set out to do their part in recovering their children.


Hermione and Ginny, when they reached the apartment building looked at the apartment list. "Jackson, Jackson, nope not Foster or Bailey, no, no, no, no... AHA!" Hermione leapt back in surprise.

"Okay, we shouldn't let him know we're coming because otherwise he might just choose to ignore us or just take us for some random people trying to make a fool out of him. It's better if we do this face to face," with Ginny agreeing, she mumbled Alohomora under her breath and the door swung open after she pushed it.

When riding the elevator up to the sixth floor, Hermione muttered, "I am the Minister of Magic. I am here to inquire about Perseus Jackson. Mr. Jackson in June of 2005, have you, by chance, seen the Fates?"

"Hermione." The elevator came to a stop.

"Mm?" With that the elevator doors opened.

"You are Hermione Granger. You ARE the Ministry of Magic, you can do this."

"I know, but," she replied as they walked down the corridors, "he's American and I haven't pulled people out of their apartments to ask about random old ladies. Plus I haven't even heard of his school, Chiron's Academy of Magic!"

Ginny knocked on the door, " Well you can't worry about that because you're going to be talking to him, right... now!"

As if on cue, the door swung open and a man in his late twenties came out with black windswept hair and mesmerizing sea green eyes.

"Who the Hades are you?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes. Interesting word choice... Hades, and wasn't his school called Chiron... wasn't he part of a Greek myth? Pushing these thoughts aside she stated, "I am the Minister of Magic, Hermione Granger, and I believe that you have certain information which can help us recover our —"

He cut her off, "Minister of Magic," he snorted, "Yeah right. Look, I think you have the wrong place, so please let me go to living my life with my family. I want to keep my normal life thank you very much."

Right before, he closed the door, Ginny burst out, "Mr. Jackson! Is there anything you know about the Fates?!" Dead silence.

"I can't help you. Are you clear? I can't help you." With that he slammed the door behind him leaving the two women shocked.

Hermione held Ginny back from kicking down the door, all though she felt like doing that herself. He was a wizard, wasn't he? But he denied having anything to do with them. He didn't even know her name for God's sake, not to sound egotistical or anything.

He didn't even listen to what they were going to say, he didn't even bother to listen to their requests, he — UGH! Hermione kicked a piece of trash on the floor as they walked down the stairs.

"He knows something... but he's hiding it..." Ginny murmured.

"Well yes, but we can't exactly pull people out of their apartments in the middle of the day just asking for information! Plus he clearly thought that we were crazy... did you notice how he said 'I want to keep my normal life'? There's something about him that seems off... and it isn't just about the Fates..."


Percy Jackson was tired. He was tired of him going on quests. Tired of having to constantly fight for his life. And tired of his 2-year-old daughter crying. So when two ladies knocked on his door claiming that they were witches, he was fed up. Right before he was going to close the door on them they just had to mention the Fates.

And now of course, two delirious mortals wandering around asking about three ladies with knitting needles wouldn't do. So good-naturedly he slammed the door in their faces. It certainly wasn't one of his finest moments.

Annabeth, his wife for the past five years (they were 22 when they married), was at her architecture company, so now he was stuck at home taking care of Zoë Psyche Jackson. And oh Hades that was a mistake... as cute and giggly as she was she had to be kept under constant watch because as soon as she could she tried waddling over to Annabeth's drakon bone sword, which she unfortunately left at home that day.

After slamming the door, he sighed and returned to his diaper-changing duties.


Hermione and Ginny, now outside in the bustling streets of Manhattan were about to apparate home, when the red-haired witch furrowed her eyebrows. "Did you see that?"

"What?" Hermione swiveled around, not seeing anything.


Hermione following her finger, gaped in shock.

Because there, sitting across four lanes of traffic were the Fates.


After making their way to the Fates, the witches were annoyed. The three old women were sitting down behind a stand. How the muggles didn't see them, they didn't know. Not questioning the situation Ginny opened her mouth to speak, but before they could, one of the "Fates" nodded here head and right at the witches' feet, appeared a Time-Turner.

"We know what you seek," one said in a raspy voice.

"It will have disastrous consequences, the meeting of two worlds. This is just the start," another continued.

The third whispered, "You cannot take it back. The joining has started."

"It is inevitable," the three chanted in unison. Then, they got up and disappeared in the crowd.

Hermione, out of her daze, interrupted the silence, "Sooo, what do we do now?"

Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Don't kill me. I've been gone for about a month now because I've had writer's block which is still no excuse for not killing me but don't kill me.

I hoped you liked it for all you PJO/HP fans out there! Yes this hints at the sequel of the this book, but hold my imaginary horses because I have a few more chapters to write.

In another case, SCHOOL'S OVER FOR ME (it ended yesterday). That means no more finals!!!! So anyways, I'll be updating WAY more often and not lying about when I'm gonna update (hopefully) to prevent y'all for killing me. I already started the next chapter so YAY NO PROCRASTINATING!!

Random Question for the Day:
What house are you in? And what is your view on house prejudice? (It's 2 questions but who cares.)

Last Edited: June 21, 2019

Toodles! Until next time!
- Your one and only spectacular author (not really) Mimi

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