Meta- Meetup Chapter 1

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It was a simple morning on the Kent Farm, where a 14-year-old Clark Kent was sleeping when his alarm went off. He opened his eyes to see a red room. "huh?" Clark says which a confused look on his face until he realizes what 's happening. Clark reaches for his glasses but he's too late as red beams fly of his eyes into the bedroom ceiling.

Clark screams "AHHHH"

Downstairs his parents Ma and Pa Kent sit in the Kitchen eating breakfast when they hear the scream

Ma Kent warmly"Oh good, Clark's up"

Back in his room, Clark says "Crud, Not Again" as derby from his ceiling falls in his eyes. Clark sticks his head out of his bedroom window and looks straight down as another heat vision blast fires down into the ground burning the derby away. Clark then closes his eyes again and puts on his glasses. "Stupid Hot Vision," the teen said, this particular power had become quite annoying.

Clark then looks to his phone on his nightstand and sees a message from Bruce. "Alley, 7:50 am"

Clark got up, went to the bathroom and got dressed his usual attire, a Thick blue Hoodie, Navy Jeans, a red belt and Red-ish Brown Boots. Clark walked down his stairs to meet his parents who were eating pancakes.

Clark: Morning Ma, Morning Pa

Ma: Morning Dear, Hot vision acting up again

Clark: Yeah

Pa: I'm either going to have to put a hole in your ceiling or teach you how to fix you ceiling yourself

Clark: I could just sleep in my glasses, lately they're the only thing keeping my eyes normal

Ma: Perhaps but we didn't raise you to hide behind your glasses for your whole life

Pa: You'll get a hold on it eventually the son

Clark stuffed 3 pancakes into his mouth.

Clark: Yeah, well see you later

Ma: Where are you going so early?

Pa: Bruce invited me to the city for something this morning

Ma: Another one of his plans

Clark: Probably ... He was vague

Pa: Alright, be safe boy, remember don't let him talk you into anything...

Ma: Too crazy, I know bye. Thanks for the Pancake Ma

Once Clark leaves out the front door his parents keep talking.

Ma: Bruce is a good friend to Clark

Pa: Like brothers to two

Ma: And he's very Intelligence,

Pa: Smart as a whip, because of him the tractor now has A. I.

Ma: But I can't help but worry especially considering what they've been doing

Pa: I look at like this ... I trust Clark's judgment and I think Bruce's Intelligence, so as long as those two things don't overlap, they'll be fine.

Clark rode the train into Gotham City, literally on top of the train, he had no money. It was a foggy morning, nice weather for Gotham. As the train cross a bridge neared the alleyway, Clark hopped off. He jumped from the train to a nearby building to the ground. Clark runs into the cluttered city alleyway where Bruce was waiting.

Bruce: Took you long enough

Clark: (Sarcastic) I thought you liked people not being able to find you.

Bruce stepped out of the shadows, the teen wore all black, a Flat Cap, Goggles, Cargo Pants, Tactical Boots and Trench Coat. Bruce's typically emotionless face became small smile like Clarks as the boys fist bumped

Bruce: I've got two plans, One that I've been working on for a while for tomorrow night and another that I came up with 15 minutes ago and will work if we can get everyone together in the next twenty minutes

Clark: Alright then, I'll call them

The two boys made their way to the top of a nearby bell tower, Clark super-hopping, and Bruce parkouring. As they reached the top, Clark punches the bell a few times. The bell tower had been abandoned for years and the bell was aged and made a specific ring, the ringing traveled throughout the city and signaled the others.

It traveled to a nearby warehouse, where Diana was wrestling/fighting a bunch of large guards. Despite the fact that the guards were in full armor compared to Diana's tan shirt, signature bracelets, skirt, and brown sandals she was still winning.

As she heard the bell Diana looked up hearing the bell, suplexing a guy, hopped over to some boxes. The Grecian teen wiped the sweat off her tan skin and said "Gotta run boys, thanks for the workout" before leaping thru a nearby warehouse window

The ring traveled to a large water drain by the docks connecting Gotham to Amnesty Bay. Out of the drain walked

Arthur, a tan 14-year-old with shoulder length blonde hair. He wiped some grime of his orange sleeveless zip-up vest, and knee-length Bright Green Swimming trunks and stomped his green sneakers. Arthur could see people just dumping waste into the water as he climbing up to the dock.

Clerk 1: you sure you should be doing that?

Clerk 2: eh, you worry too much just a bunch of dumb fish, probably happy for a meal

Arthur growled as his eyes glow blue, suddenly a shark pops out of dock snapping at the two clerks who run away screaming. Arthur smiles, hears and bell and leaps away.

In a random street in the mega mash-up city, a bright red streak could be seen moving and dodging laser fire. This streak was called Barry, a blonde-haired thirteen year, wearing a red gym hoodie and shorts, Goggles, Track Shoes, Sweatband. Barry stopped to retighten the bike pads on wrists, elbows, and knees before the gang that had been following him started to catch up. Barry simple tauntingly ran ahead and dashing between blast by a bunch of kids with guns (think the rouges).

Kid 1 Shouts "We're gonna get you this time freak"

Barry: Sure, you will

Barry: You're gonna have to catch me first

Barry runs around a corner and knocking over some junk before dashing forward not looking where he is going.

Barry: All this over a couple of sweets, guys gotta eat somehow.

As he scarfs down the sweet the debris, he knocked down suddenly explodes and Barry's feet get caught. The kids (snickering) corner him as the dead-end alley

Before they can blast him, a Green Construct appears around Barry knocking all the ray gun kids away Barry looks up and sees his best friend floating above him. The teen wore a brown pilot jacket, dark green pants, white sneakers, and a green eye mask. Hal green aura lit up the alleyway as he moved toward Barry.

Barry: You hear the bell

Hal: yep race you there

The two both speed off leaving red and green colors trails.

Bruce and Clark stood on the rooftop waiting for the Gang to arrive.

The boys start to talk about how the 6 of them all met 6 months ago.

Bruce looks to Clark as they wait on the rooftop and ask

Bruce: Why are you so happy?

Clark: I always happy.

Bruce: Yeah, but today you've got this extra big grin thing going.

Clark: Well, I guess I'm just happy we finally have some friends. 

Bruce: What do you mean "finally"? We've been friends since we're kids.

Clark: Yeah, I know, I meant friends with other people I mean remember when it was just the two of us.

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