Wayne Brain Rescue Part 25

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Bruce made his way through to vents towards the room where Clark was being held and enters it behind the woman guarding him. She has two weapons in each hand; one was the special sensory weapon. The other was the Tommy Laser. Thankfully, Clark moaning from the pain kept her attention on him, as Clark was once again blasted with the ray. Seeing his best friend in this state made Bruce want to stealth to the wind and just lung at her; however, he knew he couldn't do that.

Bruce then stood straight up, and just as the woman was about to stun, Clark again swept her leg, sending the guard tumbling to the ground.

Guard: What the hell?

Bruce let his rage out on the guard, hitting her over and over again, the woman put her hands up and tossed him off and aside. Bruce tries to get the woman to talk and distract her, but she's not a talker, she simply picked up her gun and opened fire.

Luckily, it's was a large dark room and plenty of space to move and hide, Bruce began to parkour around jumping and diving form behind furniture with the laser bolts of the Tommy Laser always a few inches away from his heels. After about 2 minutes the thug had Bruce cornered

Guard: End of the line kid

Bruce Gulped Open this would be the end of the story, he closes eyes waiting, but the turn of the Laser Bolt never came. He opens them see Clark jump out in front of blocking the shot.

Clark: Don't you dare.

Before the guard woman Could get out sensory overload gun, Clark unloaded a blast of his hot vision sending her flying across the room into a bookshelf and knocking her out. With all the commotion, the guard walkie talkie with Bruce had in his pocket went off.

Falcone: Hey, what with all the rachet?

Clark at first looked worried, but Bruce had anticipated all of this and fakes the woman's voice-over walkie-talkie to remove any suspicion.

Bruce: Oh, the little brat tried to get away from me, put on a real show too. I was too smart for the kid he's back tied up where he belongs.

Falcone: Alright then, Stay sharp we still haven't found the final brat

Bruce: Right

As Bruce hung up, Clark asked Bruce, "OK, how could you have possibly planned out all that?"

Bruce: I knew whatever they were using on you wouldn't last long if they had to keep blasting you. So you had to keep her busy after the last shot so you would have enough time to properly recover. I didn't plan on getting caught though.

Clark: I wouldn't say properly recovered, thankfully I was able to focus on your voice even though all the other noises" Clark collapsed into a nearby chair that wasn't filed with Tommy laser holes

Bruce: Thanks man, Rest up and get you senses back in order, I'm going for the others.

Bruce re-entered the ventilation system and made his way toward the room Diana was being held in after the last rescue Bruce knew he's going to have a better plan

Bruce: Can't just rely on the power of friendship

However, he could rely on the power of laziness, once he reached the next room, the guard wasn't even watching Diana. The guard was sitting in a nearby chair on his phone with Diana simply tied up nearby like a dog. Diana's eyes where wide open never blinking, she looked like a creepy live sized doll.

Bruce: That can't be comfortable, let's fix that.

Bruce throws a Dagger from the grate through the whip cutting it in two and ending the paralysis flow. The guard didn't even look up from his phone. Diana's eyes blinked twice before closing them pain and groaning,

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