The End of the Beginning Part 16

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(So sorry for the delay)

The next morning screens from Smallville to Amnesty Bay were lit up with the same video, Lois Lane's Planet Daily Report. One of the few uncorrupted news sources online. Not having any sponsors Lois' Vid Channel wasn't the most popular pages and being a 14-year-old girl didn't help her credibility. However, someone must have believed in her because at 3 am last night that all changed when she got a knock on her window and found a data-chip on her nightstand.

Curious as always Lois waste no time scanning the data-chip for malware, plugging it in and finding a video and a file. A computer-generated male voice spoke.

"Men, Women and that rainbow color strip in-between. We are the Just Us Gang, you may know us if you attended last night's Twilight Room event or were the victim of our various misdemeanors around the Mega-city. However, if you were present at any of those encounters you probably don't remember much more than a few shouts, explosions and a foot to the face. So, allow me to give a face to the disease that has pledged the elite for so long."

The video suddenly showed the gang, while Diana and Arthur were complete visible as they had nothing to hide, Hal and Bruce's faces were concealed with their masks while Clark and Barry vibrated into two Red and Blue humanoid figures.

"For as long as we can remember Meta-humans have been considered dangerous and out to get you. So, you pushed them down and painted them as monsters. But our gang stands to correct that error we will destroy any oppressive forces on the Meta-Humans, we will fight to protect and help the Meta-humans and us 6 will take all the blame and hate."

As the Black Trench Coat wearing figured continued the message images of the Just Us Gang using their general ability play:

Clark picks up a large truck, Bruce shadow stealth's around, Diana fights off multiple guards, Barry outruns a hovercar, Arthur powers thru a wall and Hal flies around firing Energy blasts

"Try to stop us if you can, but you'll be going up against minds, might and magics the like which you've never seen. The winds of change are upon the world get on board or get blown aside."

The video ended and cut to static

Lois: Woah

The first thing Lois did was post this video online. Well, actually the first thing she did was check to make sure the Just Us Gang was a real thing, her channel only seems to get attention when she was wrong which among the 100 reports video he'd done had only happened twice. While the name "Just Us Gang" had never been seen before, the attack on the factory district event was spreading across the internet.

As the final loading signal marking complete Lois sat back in her chair and climbed back into bed. She assumed it would satisfy her few viewers and planned to talk about it when she woke up, what she didn't expect was the fame that came instantly. Why? Well, all other news outlets had to use vague notes from people who were there and blurry traffic and security footage that remained. Only Planet Daily had a clear image with a clear message while Lois was checked no connect between the gang on her was ever found.

One person who couldn't seem to get enough of the Just Us Gang was Alexander, he sat in his home playing over the videos and footage he'd personally collected. Alexander mind was racing last night he'd seen the entire situation unfold and left just before Arthur wave came flooding in. Curious about his behavior Mercy, his A.I. assistant, chimes in via hologram.

Mercy: Alexander, you've been replaying these images for the past 1 hour, is there a problem?

Alexander: Somewhat, I'm still trying to decide my next move?

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