New Approach Part 17

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On one of the few bright sunny days in the Gotham District of Mega State, the people of said district gather at city hall for a speech by the teenage owners of Wayne industries. Camera crews and random citizens with nothing better to do on a Tuesday afternoon gathered around and fill the streets in front of City Halls. Bruce Alfred and the Gang all stood in a private room preparing for the speech.

Bruce sits in a chair in front of a mirror as Alfred fixes his clothes, grey suit, and dress shoes. Not his preferred outfit, but it can't be helped.

Alfred "Are you sure about this, ?"

Bruce "doesn't matter how effective we are as a gang as long as public opinion still considers metahumans as the boogeymen. I have a voice in this city, and I'm using it."

Alfred, "I meant not wearing a tie, sir?"

Bruce "Do you know how many people accidental choke to death on their ties."

Alfred: No young sir, I can't think of anyone who does. However, I genuinely doubt that your attire is the only threat to your health today. People won't just be OK with you publicly supporting their boogeymen."

Bruce: Don't worry, Alfred, I've gotten five of the best bodyguards in the city.

Bruce turns around in his chair

Bruce: Right, guys?

The rest of the Just Us Gang stepped forward in security forces looking suits and pants.

Hal: Well, why else would he invite us to such a boring speech?

Diana: Boring or not, Bruce is right about this

Arthur: Yes, having a prominent public figure endorsing any movement is always helps. Especially with Lex Corp on the other side.

Clark: Well, before you go out there, you'll need to get into character.

Bruce: Sigh I, hate this part.

Diana: Character?

Clark: that's right; you've only ever known Bruce as Bruce, not "Bruce Wayne."

Hal: but he s Bruce Wayne?

Alfred: Yes, but one must put up on a face when in public particularly those in with Bruce's status

Bruce: Hey! Trying to focus here.

Bruce exhales, relaxes his shoulders, and unclenched. "Alright, guys ready to rock," Bruce said as he turned to face his friends. He gave them a thumbs up and smiled warmly at them. The group all paused and gave him a confused look, while Clark and Alfred simply slimed. Bruce headed towards the door.

Diana: why is he?

Alfred: Image Miss Diana, think about the Bruce, you know. Doesn't sound seem like a billionaire teenage company own now, does he?

Diana: not really sure what that would be like, but I understand you, like when mother would act differently when she leads her people than when she was alone with me.

Hal: Good Point, but if he knows how to be a chipper and friendly, why the heck can't he be like this all the time?

Bruce: Because it makes me physically uncomfortable to be like this, like you using your ... Never mind Let's go friends!

They left the room and walked down the hallway toward the front, Bruce grinning from ear to ear and waving to passersby.

Arthur: As unnatural as this might be for you, At least you're not wearing these tight suits.

Barry: Your's is tight? Mine's kinda loose.

Alfred: Apologies, having the five of you be security for Master Bruce him was someone of a last-minute decision, so rather than get then adequately fitted, I simply had to take some of master Bruce's spare tuxedos.

"Can't see why anyone would complain about a free suit?" Bruce says through a gritted toothed grin, not breaking character.

Alfred motions towards the group as the group left the room and walk down the hall. "Master Bruce, Hal, Clark and surprising enough Diana, all possess similar frames to give or take an inch in height. But Barry is a bit smaller than that lot of you have Bruce's suit from when he was around 11. Arthur has a surprisingly muscular build for his age is from that summer when he first discovered Nachos."

Arthur: So, even in your fat suit, I still too jacked.

Arthur cockily flexed a muscle, Diana and Bruce rolled their eyes

Diana: Or maybe because you let yourself get wet before coming here. You're much thinner when you're dry

Bruce: Well, even the fish boy tears his suit, it's not important, and I won't miss them.

Clark: It's official, You are way too rich

Alexander: Too rich? Why I've never heard of such a thing

Alexander walks up to the group dressed in a green button shirt and gray dress pants.

Barry: Who is?

Bruce: Alexander Luthor, son of a CEO of Lex Corp correct

Alexander: Yes, while my father might have negative opinions on meta-humans, I'm not so pigheaded. Even after that attack last month by that group.

Barry: The Just Us Gang!

Clark: You saw that Lane video as well, buddy

Barry: uh. Oh yeah, that's where ...

Bruce: Yeah, that group, shame most of the security footage from that night was erased would have liked to get a better look at that Gang.

Arthur: Yes, freaky wonder how it happens?

Alexander: Still, It's good to see a fellow have supporting the have-nots.

Clark: People should stop treat Meta-human like inhuman freaks; they're still people

Barry: And most come from accidents

Alexander: Indeed, mankind spent generations adapting on this planet; for all we know, this could simply be a new form of that.

Diana: Those are great words, Bruce; you should use them in your speech.

Bruce: True, how much for them?

Alexander: Oh, consider it a gift, I was simply stopping by. Father would have my head if I was caught at this thing.

With that, Alexander leaves the group.

Clark: he seemed nice, I suppose

Bruce: He's about as private as I am; his father does most of the appearances, and not many people even know he exists.

Hal: I hope he doesn't get his father's hairline.

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