Rescue Mission Part 5

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Bruce, Diana, Barry, Arthur, and Hal, go to recuse Clark. They gather around the Lex Corp site that started this whole mess.

BRUCE: all right Clark's in there, everyone clears on the plan

They all respond with a yes

BRUCE: Alright I'm trusting you four

DIANA: don't worry, we'll save your friend

BRUCE: It's not that, it's just, I don't like trusting people.

HAL: This Clark Kid is real, right?

ARTHUR: You know, I didn't even consider that

BARRY: Hey, come on, we doing this or what?

BRUCE: Alright, Hal & Diana you first

Diana and Hal distract the robots now guarding the front.

Hal: okay let's start this off big and bright, Emerald Airplane!

Hal sends a green plane in drawing multiple robots toward him, then once they surround the plane Diana leaps out of the front knocking down one machine. Diana then gets swung at by a fist and catches it.

Diana: "Hail Demeter!"

Diana's eyes glow green and gets encased in a yellow aura, Dina before suplexing the robot into two others. The robot Diana is standing on then starts to get up.

Diana: Hail Hephaestus

Diana's eyes glow gray and gets encased in a yellow aura as a sword appears in her hands. Diana (warrior rage look) stabs the robot in the chest

Hal watches with excitement at Diana's fight

Hal: Oh yeah

Hal makes a weapon that fires missiles into a roof crushing more robots

Barry speeds Bruce and Arthur into the building he drops Arthur off where they're keeping Clark.

BRUCE: Clark should be down that hallway, there's only one guard

ARTHUR: Leave it to me

BARRY: He was weirdly heavy

BRUCE: Diana said he was dense, thought she meant

ARTHUR: Stupid?

Bruce And Barry look

BRUCE: I hate super hearing

Bruce and Barry Speed off

ARTHUR says to himself "Sonar don't fail me now"

Arthur closed his eye's and focused his enhanced senses. He chopped his teeth producing a sound that echoed through the hallway leading him to the cell Clark was being held in.

ARTHUR: Alright here's Clark, and the robot should be

A Robot appears and tries to crush Arthur. The robot crush doesn't work, and the robot's hand is destroyed (Durability) Arthur's unharmed.

ARTHUR: Right here,

Arthur leaps towards the robot punching it in the head. The circuitry of the damaged arm releases sparks that shock Arthur, which does hurt him.

ARTHUR Aarrgh! (Falls to the ground, dazed and angry)

Arthur's eyes glowed blue and suddenly the trident from earlier appeared in his extended hand. The trident begins to wildly blast of water from its tip all over the room. One of the blasts tears thru the large guard robot and freeing Clark

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