Going to Bruce's house Part 8

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(I'm a college student in the middle of summer session in college so while I'm trying to post at least 3 parts a week.)

To get to Bruce's, the Gang would need to head into the heart off Gotham and that would require going through Gotham's Meta-Human Hive, every section had one, an area flooded with meta-humans. Although from the top of the hover-train it just looked like your typical urban neighborhood

Diana: You really can't see much of the ground, from this thing

Arthur: I think that's the idea. Nothing ruins leaving high like looking low.

Clark: Does it strike anyone as a touch ironically that to get to the place to help the Metahuman hives we basically have to avoid the meta-human hive.

Hal: They may be people in need, but the whole dangerous and unstable narrative didn't just come out of the ether

Bruce: Plus, with the exception of you and Barry, this is the fastest way for a couple a 14-year-old to travel. Hang on.

The gang gripped tightly as the hovertrain bobbed up and down, sending Barry flying into Hal. Fortunately, Hal can fly so it wasn't a big deal. Hal rather that grab on simply flew next to them

Barry: Geez, whose driving this thing

Bruce: I know they're almost as bad as Hal.

Hal: Whatever, when do we get off?

Clark: If I remember correctly here, right?

Bruce: Yep, everybody off the train

The gang in their own styles and fashions, hop off the train right before it passed thru a tunnel entrance of a yellow field. Once on the ground, Bruce explained.

Bruce: that field keeps unwanted guests out, and while most of you would survive the smash and the fall you still wouldn't have any way inside. Follow Me

Bruce leads his friends around a corner, over a fence, and to an alley. He then said "Now" into his wrist comp.

Suddenly, a Limousine appeared in front of them and the window rolled down to show and a middle-aged man in a suit at the wheel. The man greeted Bruce.

Alfred: Master Bruce, I assume these are the guests you spoke of earlier.

Bruce: Thank you Alfred, cloaking device is still working well.

Alfred: Of course, Master Bruce, good to see you again Master Clark

Clark: Hey Mr. Alfred, come on guys

The 6 teens climbed into the limousine and sped off back towards the tunnel entrance

Diana: Bruce, didn't we just come from here?

Bruce: Vehicles that belong in or are owned by the people inside the field are allowed there isn't even a scanning

The dirty and poverty fill city suddenly switched to a nice and polished one as the limo sped through the high-end neighborhood maneuvering much better than you would except a large limo to.

Alfred: We're coming up on the manor now Master Bruce

Arthur looked thru the window and spotted a row of large connect Brownstones making up and block.

Arthur: So, rich-boy which one of those houses is yours?

Bruce: All of them

Everyone but Clark and Bruce: Huh?

Clark: For those of you not born we most of the money in the world, Each one of these blocks is a house

Barry: For real

Hal: Crazy

Diana: Wow

Hal: You really are rich, Is it too late to start being fake nice to you?

Bruce: No

Hal: Too bad moneybags, I grovel for no one.

Alfred: Wayne Tech does provide some of the city's tech. it's one of the reasons Bruce is so good at hacking

Alfred pulled into a garage door, which leads under the block into a garage of Bruce's Manor.

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