Bruce's Speech Part 18

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Bruce heads outside to the booth for his speech while the rest fan out across the stage and steps. The cameras were rolling, and screens all over were tuned in

Bruce: Hello! My name is Bruce Wayne, and today, I don't just address the people of the Gotham distract, no I address all the districts in Mega-City State. The Smallville Fields, The Amnesty Bay Harbors, The Central Science Districts, Coast Airbases, And The Meta Human Hives.

Clark stayed near Bruce watching him for any hazards, Diana & Arthur survey the back of the crowd of reporters, and Hal & Barry Watched overhead for snipers and drive-by. They checked everywhere, but inside the crowd that had already formed, the Falcone Gang was preparing to make their move.

Alright, everyone ready?

Goon-1: yep boss

Goon-2: Ready boss

Goon-3: Aye-Aye boss

Carmine Falcone: We were paid a lot of money to disrupt this little lovefest. Those new chemicals ready yet?

Joe, a black kid with twists in his hair with a backpack, he's covered in green, white and purple stains.

Joe: Potions and yeah, I got yah bombers, yah burners, yah blinders

Carmine Falcone: Nice Job, Jake.

Joe: It's Joe, I've also got this new one

Joe pulled out a glass jar containing an odd-looking jet-black liquid

Goon-1: what's that stuff

Joe: oh this, just a bunch of dark magic potions I never got around to finishing. I poured this all together, and when it was done, it was morphed into this dark stuff. No idea what it's gonna do, thought it be good for making some chaos.

Carmine Falcone: Yeah, Yeah, Impressive Jerry. Alright, everyone in three, two, one.

Clark: Huh? Is that a countdown?

Carmine tossed up a vile filled with a white liquid, getting everyone's attention before it bursts. The crowd was suddenly filled what a blinding white flash of light and the sound of screams and explosions. The mobsters spread out, tossing the green vials filling the area with green, causing as much chaos and as they can. The Just Us Gang members, particularly Arthur and Clark, are blinded by the light and staggered around.

Diana: Attack!! We forgot to check the inside of the crowd

Arthur: Dang it, can't see and what's with the air

Clark carelessly backs into a pillar supporting the roof in front of City Hall, causing it to crack.

Clark: What's that noise, It sound like?

A Large piece of rock ceiling sudden flew on to his head, he was fine but now he knew what was going on.

Clark: Oh no, super strength must of accidently shattered the pillar.

Realizing what he's done but still blind, he grabs the beam and begins to support it. All the other members of the Gang try to regain their senses and make sense of the situation, particularly Bruce.

Bruce was rubbing his eyes and tried to think how this happened "the cops usually scan for weapons and tech like this when big crowds form. That's why a lot of gangs lately have been using magic. Chemists are brewing Potions, and Spellcasters are in high demand." Once his sight returned, Bruce scanned the crowd, and that's when he saw Carmine Falcone tossing around what looked like explosives.

"Falconine. Haven't you hurt my family enough?" Bruce said through clenched teeth, continued to scan the area nearby. He saw Joe. In all the confusion, Joe had made his way up to the front stage "Bet they'll remember me after this one, the guy who took down City Hall, ha-ha. Time to see what you do," he muttered to himself all he pulled out and aimed the mysterious bottle of black.

Bruce: "That guy with him, crap, he's aiming at Clark!"

With no time to warn his still blinded friend, Bruce thoughtlessly jumped in front of the chemical, which hit him dead on. The glass shattered, and he was covered in the dark magic mixture. Bruce started to scream, but soon the blackness had bubbled and smoked all over him, covering him.

Hal and Barry's senses returned, and they leap into action.

Barry: Not a big fan of smokers

Hal: Nope, let's blow them away.

Hal makes a massive fan over the crowd, and Barry spun his hands, making little twisters to blow away most of the gas that was flooding the area. Sensing it was time to leave the Falcone Crew and scattered. Diana and Arthur leaped to Clark to help him brace the support the crumbing pillar. Finally able to see again Clark uses his hot vision to melt it back into place.

Diana: Nice Trick

Clark: Yeah, Bruce helped me figure it out, speaking of which did you hear him earlier?

Arthur: Yeah, I thought I heard him screaming earlier?

Clark and the Gang surveyed the crowd and the stage looking for his friend, but they couldn't find him, Bruce was gone.

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