Get Ready Part 11

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 (Sorry I didn't pot last week, I had school Projects.)

It was the night before the event, specifically 2 am and while most of the city and the gang was resting in preparation. However, on the Kent Farm, one kid named Clark Kent. Sleeping was always a weird thing for him, technically he didn't even need to, the sun handled all his physical recovery for him. Mental recovery was another story, being raised as a human and thinking like one meant sleep loss would weaken his emotional and physical control. Considering Clark's clumsiness when wide awake and the seriousness of this event he definitely needed the rest. So, Clark did what he always did when he couldn't sleep. He called Bruce. Bruce despite being a normal slept the least, he'd read some special trick in a book about 3 years ago that would make made 5 hours of sleep feel and work like 8, so he was usually up?

Clark took out his phone

Clark: Hey Bruce, I can't sleep

Bruce: And because you can't, I shouldn't

Clark: Well it's your plan that's got me awake

Bruce: You having second thoughts

Clark: Uhhhh?

Bruce: Because if you are, I'll scrap it, like I said I trust your judgment above my own.

Clark: No, this is too big a chance to pass up, I'm on board. Guess, I'm just nervous like always, any ideas?

Bruce: Want me to come over, and you knock you out?

Clark: No, not tonight anyway, I'll just have to lay in the sun tomorrow, good thing I don't tan. Good Night Bruce

Bruce: Good Night Clark

The Just Us Gang met a few blocks from the event at dinner, the owner either wasn't afraid of Meta-humans or was one.

Diana: (popping grapes)Remind me again why we're meeting at a restaurant before this?

Arthur: (Drinking a smoothie) Because 1 if we're successful and they search for us they'll be looking for suspicious activity like lurking on rooftops

Clark: (Chewing a hamburger)And 2 We figured Barry would be hungry and would want to eat before the mission

Barry: (between chews) He's right you know.

Bruce: (eating Nachos) Ok, oh last time everyone clear on the plan?

Diana: I and Hal storm the main area and wreak havoc, this will draw the guards form their posts and keep attention on us

Barry: then I and you rush in, we race around the building and sabotage the communication and destroy some of the factory.

Clark: And while all this is going down me and Arthur will make our way to the warehouse and remove the valuables placed there.

Bruce: We get 30 minutes to pull this off and then we'll meet and the randevu point on the roof and make our escape.

Hal: (As he finished a hotdog) by escape you mean, I fly us away in an invisible plane

Clark: Yep, Sure is handy you can bend the light around you and your constructs

Diana: you know it's funny, we had an invisible jet back home.

Arthur: Why?

Diana: nobody know, we just had it

Barry finishes the last of his food, "alright let's go"

The group finished and left in their respected pairs, each hoping the plan who go off perfectly

As the evening fell up the city the guest pilled into the Twilight room atop the security drone depot, the evening seems to be reaching its peak and Lex Luthor finished his speech to the crowd

Lex Luthor: An, in conclusion, I just want to thank all of you for your generous contribution to keeping our city.. no... our home safe

Alexander rested inside his exoskeleton suit grinding ear to ear at the crowd's applause and cheers, he didn't have to speak. Hell, he didn't have to write this speech, one of his many personal inventions he kept for himself was a device that programmed and produced exactly what a person or group wanted to hear.

Alexander (thoughts): Public speaking to these golden sheep is child's play, a cliché here, a thank you there and they love it. This entire evening is going off flawlessly Now to simply leave

Lex Walked off the stage as the host retook their posts, he got all the way to the hall before there was a loud crash came from the ceiling. He quickly placed and tiny camera on the wall and moved out of sight. Form inside his suit Lex tapped into the mini camera's vision.

Alexander: What the Devil?!

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