Make An Entrance Part 12

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Diana and Hal Distraction:

Diana broke through the twilight room's glass dome ceiling, slamming the ground bellow and breaking the dance floor. Hal flew in behind her remaining airborne he creates a large megaphone and shouts to the still stunned crowd

Hal: Hello high-class ladies and germs, Tonight unplanned meta-human attack has begun, so start you can start your screaming now.

And they did, the whole room was filled with panicked screams. As excepted Guards and droids flooded the area and targeted the two, Diana lunges at them

Diana: Time for a little spectacle

Diana begins her destructive dance, she grabs the feet of two guards and flung them into the air before striking them both to the ground. She didn't even use her weapons or her magic. Hal flew up and around the massive room with a seemingly endless trail of attack drones on his heels. With a blast from his ring, he knocks one drone into two, which fell into three, destroying six.

Hal: Woah, gotta turn down the awesome for a bit, we just started

Alexander saw this chaos, he looks behind him and saw an exit, as far as anyone knew Lex Luthor had already left. He could have simply gone home. However, he wasn't it any real danger.

Alexander: Lex suit I'm going to stay and watch this show, activate Hologram Cloak.

Had anyone been watching they would have seen Lex Luthor walk out the door, as Alexander's Hologram Cloak made and fake and hid the original.

Bruce and Barry:

Once the ruckus starts Bruce and Barry moved in from the back of the building, hidden in the darkness they made their way to a vent.

Bruce: Umbra Ca-ble

Bruce pulls out a grapple gun and shoots out a bunch cable like ropes

Bruce: I hate guns, but can't deny how effective this is

He and Barry pulled away from the vent grate and climbed inside.

Bruce: wait here for my signal.

Wrapped in the darkness of the vent Bruce moves, until the straight forward path gives way to a vertical one. He slipped upward and makee his way to an opening inside the security center hidden behind a shelf. He then called Barry who rockets thru the vents and was at his side instantly

Bruce: Alright 1st stop the security center

The Boys climbed out of the vent and hid, just as Bruce had seen on the plans the room was filled with motioners and had around five guards. Bruce reached toward his belt and pulls out a canister.

Bruce: Alright, time for a little Smoke Screen.

The black smoke began to pour out of the vents n the room until it was impossible to see.

Guards: What is this stuff, someone get the lights.

Before anyone could react Barry raced through the room knocking out each of the guard one by one, as the smoke disappears.

Bruce walked toward the controls and connected them to his wrist-computer

Barry: Geez, I had to hit them each like 10 tens times, my punch don't pack much power.

Bruce: Will work on that later, as for now. (Pause) Ok, outside communication is official disabled

Barry: Good, it'll be pretty hard to escape if every defensive drone in the city is outside when we're done.

Barry runs through the halls of the building leaving his Bright Red Trail, holding Bruce along. They speed thru the building placing explosives thru out the building in specific locations.

Bruce radio-ed they remaining team as they moved in "Clark, Arthur, GO!

Arthur and Clark:

In the sewers below, Arthur and Clark had be listens from Bruce's signal.

Arthur: alright, this large pipe here is big enough for us to move through and lead to the factory right next to the warehouse we need to get to. Specifically, the pipe would take us to the factories cooling tank.

Clark: Anyone else, would have to worry about being burned or crushed, but for us, it's just a matter of breathing. Make sure to go fast though I'll need air again in 5 minutes.

Arthur: Let's go

The boys swam through the pipes as fast as they could, unlike the sewer they got here in the water was clean. There was no light but this was of little issue to either of they're eyes. They prepped for the cooling tank but were happy to find it off. However it was sealed, a touch problematic because Clark was starting to run out of air. Arthur knew he couldn't just break them out, it would give them away.

Arthur: Damn, this tank is way bigger than we thought it would be. I can hear Clark Heart and pulse starting to panic, that's not good. Gotta be a hatch or ... bingo.

At the top of the tank, they was a hatch, most liking for cleaning. Arthur grabbed Clark and jetted up to the surface before climbing out. As Clark knelt down on his knees catching his breath Arthur looked around the empty factory.

Arthur: Which one of these walls do we have to go through again?

Clark: none of them, we go outside here and walk inside the warehouse next door

They made it from the factory to the warehouse front

Arthur: No gruads or drones?

Clark: You can't get inside without the code, 1 sec.

Clark lifted his glasses focused in the keypad, as his vision zoomed in he could see which buttons had been touch recently.

Clark: Alright it's... ahhh.

Clark's vision kept on zooming until it hurt his eyes and put his glasses back on. Clark told Arthur the code digits as he rubbed his eyes

Clark: 1-9-3-4

Arthur put in the code and they were in, the doors opened and for the most part, security was down just a few heat lasers.

Arthur: thought Bruce took care of security

Clark: relax those lasers are the burning kind, not the scanning kind.

Clark pulled a list wrapped in a ziplock out of his pocket. Arthur walks over to one of the lasers and felt it with his hand.

Clark: How's the heat?

Arthur: I'm not even sweating, so we can just walk right thru and help ourselves.

Clark: According to my watch we'll have around 15 minutes to find and grab everything.

Arthur: 10 minutes will be plenty. Sonar-tracking vs See-through-vision?

Clark: You're on.

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