Bruce's Decision Part 26

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The Gang's moment of peace and joy was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Falcone. The Crime Lord was now standing at the top of the grand stairway with a perfect shot at any of them from what appears to be a large Super Soaker type water gun

Alfred: Bollocks! How did you even find us?

Falcone: Saw a Bright green light flash by, figured it by something to follow.

Hal: Whoops

Falcone: I gave you all a choice, you could have just stayed out of this and it all would have been over

Alfred: You just attacked our home, you attacked all of us and took children hostages!

Falcone: Yes, but you all could have just let me kill you all when I got here.

Arthur: You think you can take all of us out with a kid's toy?

Carmine fires his aims his spray gun at the Gang Hal quickly put up a force field around them as the entire room was sprayed. The Just Us Gang watch as the whole place became engulfed in an odd purple, white and green gas from high Ceiling to the floor. The seemingly small stream bubbles and expands before bursting in a fiery and toxic explosion leave the room devested in a fog of multi-colored flames.

Carmine: A kid's toy indeed, The final gift from that Joe Brat, some form of magic acid that devours, dissolves, and detonates anything it comes into contact with.

The magical toxin began to eat through Hal energy force field

Hal: That's not supposed to happen

Carmine: This stuff so powerful that the kid had to coat the inside of this gun so that it could hold it. Imagine what it'll do when it touches someone, I won't have to cause I'm about to find out.

Alfred: We need to move!

Hal: I'll keep reinforcing the bubble, but I'm not sure how long it'll hold?

Diana: Arthur and Barry, do you think you can blow away this fog a flame?

Barry: Not without spreading it around and burning off my hands

Arthur: I don't have any water to summon to trident, plus I don't think an uncontrollable flood is what we need right now.

Clark: Bruce, do you have your grapple-gun maybe we can (pause) Bruce. Wait, where's Bruce?

Arthur: Wasn't he with Hal?

Barry: I didn't see him when Hal landed.

Alfred: Heaven NO, do you think he'll still out there in the gas

"AHHHHHH!" A scream came from outside the bubble

Clark: "Bruce!"

Carmine "Get off me, you little juvenile delinquent."

Bruce: No

While Hal had tumbled over the banister onto the floor, Bruce had let go before-hand, dropping onto the upper half of the stairs. He was about to head down when he noticed Carmine was coming and hid behind one of the doors leading to the hallway at the top of the stairs.

Bruce had somewhat predicted this was going to happen. ''When Carmine becomes the last man standing, his behavior will be overrun by panic and frustration. Falcone will then overload his weapon and try to take out all of his problems in one blast if he sees them all in one place. That's why I had everyone meet in the same area. In this emotional state, he will be single-minded and not notice that I'm not there or that I'm secretly sneaking up behind him.

Bruce's attacks on Falcone was swift and brutal, utilizing his limited knowledge of combat and pressure points, Bruce didn't just want to stop Falcone, he wanted to hurt him. However, Falcone was bigger, stronger, and what's not going down quickly to some a child. He tried to focus the weapon at Bruce; however, Bruce kicked him, causing him to blast behind him. It when threw the banister and towards the ground below as the acidic substance filled hole the floor with deadly Green, Purple, and White fire. Falcone lost his balance and tumbled over the side before a grapple gun wrapped around his waist, leaving him dangling off the pit of fire hed created. Falcone could have just easily pulled himself up and away from the hands of death, but there was an angry 14-year-old in his way with his hands on the rope.

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