Bruce & Clark chapter 3

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The boys break into the Lex-Corp Construction Site and at first, things go well. Bruce moving from shadow to shadow as Clark follows his lead, the boys manage to maneuver and sneak around various robots using a combination of Bruce brains and Clark's brawn until they reach Lex's supercomputer.

BRUCE: Creepy basement catacomb and a supercomputer.

CLARK: Playing Devil's Advocate here, but secrets don't mean evil. We'd need proof

BRUCE: Which we will find on the supercomputer, Watch my back.

Bruce looks over the files on the computer while Clark stands to watch.

BRUCE: Man, look at all this stuff, Humanitarian my ass. Meta Research tests, weapons manufacturing ...

CLARK: Giant Surveillance robots

BRUCE: Ummh ... Yeah, how'd you known?

CLARK: There's one coming this way

Bruce downloads the schematics of the building and they both run out the room. Unfortunately, Bruce makes a miscalculation and they end up getting caught by previously mentioned robots. Wanting to save his friend, Clark distracts the guard bots in order for Bruce to get away but as Clark is about to follow Bruce he gets knocked out and captured. And Bruce, unable to get to Clark, escapes outside the building.

Flashback pauses

Clark: funny how to know we take those very robots out by the horde

Bruce: yeah, knowledge like that would have prevented me from having to throw together a rescues team

Flashback resume

Bruce sat on one of the numerous rooftops desperately working on his wrist computer to come up with a plan to get his best friend back. The information he stole and cameras he hacked into learns the owner will arrive in 5 hours and decide what to do with Clark.

BRUCE: There's no way to slip in and out of there without alerting the guards and plus I'll need to get rid of any trace that Clark was there. Even if I was to Breakout Clark first, I still couldn't pull it off

The owner of the building walks out on to the roof chases Bruce off

OWNER: Hey you, stink'n Meta get off my roof!

The man chases Bruce with a broom, Bruce rather easily flips around the man and trips him back inside the building

BRUCE: Hmm, jackass I'm not a meta-human. If I was I could just... hey there's an idea

Bruce opens a file on his wrist-computer mark city Meta-Data and thinks about a past moment with Clark

CLARK (V.O.): Did you hack the cities meta-human data-based?

BRUCE (V.O.): Nope, I hacked the whole network

CLARK (V.O.): Bruce that's wrong and unnecessary, show me

Bruce looks over the files and whispers to himself

BRUCE: Still think it's unnecessary now Clark? Alright, if I'm going to make my rescue plan work, I'll need a fighter, someone with incredible speed, someone really durable and someone who can fly with others.

Bruce pulls up pictures/footage of Diana, Barry, Arthur, and Hal

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