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"Rae, I would love to take this job, really I would, but surely you understand that this isn't the same as making just one shirt. Especially since you brought me one of his to go by for sizing. And I'm sure it would have been better if I could have actually done a fitting before sending it off. For this kind of request, I would need to take measurements and lots of them, not to mention the fittings for some of these outfits. You remember all the fittings I have done with you, even with having your measurements. I would at least need to see him for a fitting once, if not several times. So unless you are willing to change your stance on me meeting with him, I just can't accept this job," I said with a sigh, shrugging as I turned around and rummaged through the fabrics I'd pulled out of the closet. "It's a shame too, I could really use the extra cash right now..."

"What do you mean? Did something happen you haven't told me about?" The worry in Rae's voice had me pausing, a twinge of guilt hitting me for having tried to hide my problems from them. Especially after all the times that they had been there in the past.

Taking a slow breath, I turned around and faced my friend as they stood there in a bright yellow t-shirt and their usual cargo pants. They always were able to get away with such outrageous colors, their dark skin just making the shirts stand out even more. Somehow, no matter how crazy the shirt, they managed to look amazing anyhow.

"Rae, I probably should have told you this a few weeks ago," I began, soon letting everything out as I began to pace across the room, playing with one of the fabric scraps I had grabbed as I passed the table.

It would be over an hour later before Rae had finally asked their last question, leaving only after getting a promise that I would get some rest for a few days, stating that I obviously needed it if I was this stressed. They promised to do what they could to find a compromise for the situation and be back as soon as they could reach an agreement with their friend.

When I finally found myself climbing into bed, I was so exhausted, I barely remembered to turn off the lights. Stretching my arm out, I fumbled around until I found the switch and soon welcomed the darkness that filled the room, only a hint of moonlight peeking in through the blinds.

My dreams that night were filled with shadows writhing underneath a blood red moon, burning feathers falling to the ground like snow.


"I'll let you meet her, but only when she absolutely has to have you there for measurements and later for the fittings. And you need to be blindfolded! I'll be there, so I'll know if you peek!" Rae grumbled, crossing their arms as they stared across the desk at Ashe.

"Why the change? I thought I wasn't allowed to meet this mystery girl of yours. And why a blindfold?" Ashe frowned as he finished yet another form, setting the paper on the steadily growing pile of completed paperwork. "What if I refuse?"

Looking up, he saw Rae shift in place, their arms uncrossing and recrossing as the being shook their head and scowled.

"You wear the blindfold or you don't meet her. I'm not taking any chances with you on this. If you really want your clothing, you will accept the deal. I can mask her presence from you enough that with your sight blocked, you won't be able to tell who she is once you leave. Now, do you agree or not?" Ashe watched as Rae fidgeted once they finished speaking, only serving to increase his desire to meet this female that Rae was trying so hard to keep from his sight.

"I'm curious, Azrael. At first, you wouldn't even let me come near her, but now you simply demand I not be able to see or sense her. Something has happened, otherwise, you would not have changed the rules so quickly. I wonder if later you will change them again? How long until you are saying that I can see her but not talk to her? Or will it be something else I won't be allowed to do?" With a sigh, Ashe turned back to his paperwork, waving a hand to dismiss the Fallen one. "Very well, I will agree to your demands, since I have no interest in your human outside of the clothing they can make. Now let me get back to my paperwork before I get even further behind than I am already. You remember how fast it grows if I get too far behind."

Still frowning, Rae turned around and walked to the doorway, pausing for a few moments as they looked over their shoulder at their past 'boss' and thinking about what they were asking of him.

"I remember. How could I forget the time I worked with you? That's one of the reasons I am willing to even compromise this much. Otherwise, there would be no chance of you coming anywhere near her. She's seen enough of death without having you around her as well..." They finally closed the door behind themselves, the sound echoing softly through the room as Ashe closed his eyes for a moment.

"If that is so, then shouldn't you also stay away from this person? After all, Fallen or not, you will always carry some essence of having been Death's Angel. The shadows will always follow after you, just as they always have."

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