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Brett sat lazily in his chair. Despite having his score and violin all prepared to practice, he had no drive to. If he could, he would have gone to goof off with Eddy, but Eddy was actually practicing -- the piano, that is.

So Brett was stuck with no will to practice this new piece.

It wasn't a boring piece (no, Ling Ling would find every piece to have reason and sustenance in this world -- Ling Ling would actually be practicing, too) and even if it was, Yang would still power through. The problem was he just wasn't feeling quite up to anything recently.

This was becoming a problem. This sudden laziness clung to him and wouldn't let go. How he wished Eddy would come and take him out of this funk. But he couldn't, 'cause he was practicing. Like Brett should be.

The elder stared at his score. Where was his motivation?

Brett sighed, finally resting his violin on his shoulder and getting to work.

Eight bars in, Yang paused. He wasn't feeling it. Why wasn't he feeling it? He continued. Now he was just powering through because he had to. After finally getting through the whole piece once, Brett decided he needed a break. He put his violin away, but not the score, in hopes that he could practice later in the day.

He did not.


Eddy smiled, hitting the last note perfectly on his piano. He had reviewed the piece countless times and he had finally got a perfect run.

(But Ling Ling would have done it perfectly the first time.)

The brunet stood up and stretched. I wonder if I should practice some violin today, too. He treaded into the kitchen, famished.

A faint thought buzzed past his brain of what is Brett doing but it was quickly squashed with the answer practicing.

Eddy made himself some food then plopped down on his sofa. He lazily scrolled through Instagram, munching on his well-prepared sandwich.

Maybe I should text Brett, just to see if he really is practicing. Chen chuckled at his own thoughts.

eddy_adventure: u practicing bro?

He was surprised to get a response back very quickly.

brettybang: nah

'Nah'? What was that supposed to mean?

eddy_adventure: bro you gotta get them skills up to be at Ling Ling level

brettybang: I know, just wasn't feelin it today

eddy_adventure: you ok?

brettybang: yeah just lazy ig

eddy_adventure: wanna come over? Finished practice

brettybang: sure

Eddy was starting to get concerned. Brett could be a very dissociative person, but he loved the violin and playing it. They both did. Music was very important to them.

When Brett arrived, Eddy felt very giddy. He didn't know why though. They saw each other nearly everyday.

The two had been friends since their teen years, and then it would have been acceptable to be overly excited to see a friend, but Eddy was an adult now. An adult seeing his best friend (which was a common occurrence) and being all giddy about it.

He needed to act normal.



Yup, completely normal.

Two Set Violin -- Breddy 💜💜💜Where stories live. Discover now