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It was nice. Just- having Eddy to himself like this. It was nice.

Not to say that Brett didn't want Eddy to have friends of his own and a life of his own, but them just being together like this was nice.

The restaurant was cool and the food was magnificent. It really did feel like a date except, well, Brett was sure Eddy didn't mean for it to be.

Eddy was in the middle of explaining a weird dream that he had the night before and Brett practically drooled as he watched the younger talk.

"And then I woke up, but I don't even know how my brain would have conjured something up like that. I kinda wish I had gone back to sleep to finish the dream." Chen laughed.

Brett was incredibly happy. Even if Eddy didn't want or mean for it to be a date, it was probably the closest thing they'd get to being on one and Brett had to cherish the moment.

"So, Brettybrett," Eddy started, Yang rolled his eyes. "You like the restaurant so far? No hairs in your food?"

Brett chuckled. "What a lame conversation starter, of course not."

"Well, you're not really saying anything and I don't wanna talk your head off."

Brett exhaled though his nose.

"Anyway, doesn't this seem like date material?" Eddy continued.

Brett froze.

"I mean like, if there was a girl you really liked and wanted to impress within a reasonably budget." Chen expanded. "I think I'd take someone here."

"Maybe..." Yang trailed off.

"Or- it doesn't have to be a girl. You said you weren't straight but you didn't specify, so I just..."

"No, no, Eddy, it's ok." Brett waved his hands in front of his own face. "I'm not too sure myself. To be honest," he folded his hands and rested his chin on them. "I think I'm just gay. I haven't had too many experiences with women but it doesn't take that much to come to a conclusion, y'know?"

Chen nodded. "Yeah," his eyes scanned the room a bit nervously. "I'm- I mean, I think I'm bi? Maybe..." The younger frowned at the table.

"Dude, it's ok to not know. I don't know a lot of things."

Eddy laughed. "Oh, I know."

Brett huffed. "Hey, I'm trying to comfort you here!"

Eddy finally sighed happily. "I know, thank you." He smiled.

Brett's heart skipped a beat. "You're- you're welcome."

And even in that happy moment, a voice still lurked in the back of his mind. Creeping, infecting him. Working so hard to keep a smile off his face. Something so smooth and transitioning that even Brett didn't realize what was happening.

Eddy cocked his head. "Brett?"

"Hm?" Said violinist looked up.

"You good, bro?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, just spaced I guess."

"Well, I was gonna ask if you were ready to leave yet." Eddy looked down at his friend's plate.

"Yeah, yeah, I am."

The two left the restaurant full and content.

Or, at least, they thought they did.


A/N: ok, I wanna say I'm very sorry for uploading such short chapters. Also happy holidays everybody! It's still Christmas day for me but it might not be when you're reading this so...uh...anyway, I hope the few of you whom are still reading are enjoying this. Have a nice day/evening/night.

Two Set Violin -- Breddy 💜💜💜Where stories live. Discover now