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Amara's POV

"Which bone covers and protects the anterior side of the heart?" Dina quizzes me.

"The sternum." I answer.

"Correct! Name the compartment or space between the lungs that contains the heart." She asks.

"The mediastinum." I answer again with no problem.

"Ding ding ding! This is a little tougher. What is the name applied to the narrow, inferior end of the heart that protrudes into the left lung?"

"The... the apex?"

"Ha! That almost stumped you." Dina giggles.

"I haven't reviewed since summer started. I'm a little rusty." I laugh.

Today marks the beginning of my first semester in my fourth and final year of undergrad. I'm majoring in biology, learning towards biomedicine in the future.

Unfortunately, for us, our professor turned out to be one of those 'let's stress the students out on the very first day' type.

"I don't understand why you're reviewing this. The circulatory system is your area of expertise." Dina pouts. "I'm the one who should be panicking. Why would the professor give a random pop quiz on the first day?"

Dina Bashara is one out of three of my best friends, all three of whom I've known since I was about eight years old.

She's absolutely stunning, with long dark hair with hazel-honey eyes. She's pretty much shy with everyone except our small group of friends. Everything about her screams sophisticated and classy.

She's also the only friend out of us four who's in the same major as me, however, she's unable decide between biochemistry or biomedicine.

"Please put away your notes and take out your pens and pencils. We will begin shortly." The professor announces.

"Good luck!" Dina smiles.

"Good luck to you too!" I reply.

• • •

After the 30 minute quiz, the professor gave us a 15 minute break.

"Please, please, please tell me the answer to the last question was pulmonary artery." Dina says.

"Uh... I wrote pulmonary veins." I look at her apologetically.

"Darn it!" She frowns.

"It's okay! Prof said that this quiz doesn't count!" I cheer her up. "Plus, what else does he expect from people who haven't looked at their notes in four months!"

"I have had a really bad day today and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you please smile for me?" A deep voice from someone in my row says.

Both Dina and I turn to look a little further down our row to see a guy grinning at one of the girls sitting beside him, she's clearly flustered.

I couldn't see him properly because he is blocked by the girl he's speaking to.

Dina and I give each other a questioning look and ignore him.

After a bit of the lecture, the professor asks the class a question, "To check if all of you have been paying attention for the past two hours, I'm going to ask a question. Approximately how much of the heart's mass lies to the left of the body?"

I raise my hand and when he chooses me, I answer. "Approximately two thirds."

"Correct! Miss?" The professor asks for my name.

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