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Amara's POV

"Ammi... you need to stop making such a ruckus over it!" I complain

"You want me to stop making a ruckus over a boy my daughter wants to marry?" Mom says.

Beena pushes me over to come into the webcam view. "Auntie, should we start pinning wedding decoration ideas on Pinterest?"

"Yes! Each of you should be responsible for a certain part!"

"OMG, yes! This will be so much fun!" Zoya also pushes me out of the way to talk to my mom.

I miserably sit in the background as my friends and my mom chat away on video chat about my so-called wedding.

The second I told my mom everything, she was up on her feet about getting Peter and I engaged.

"Oh! Amara! You have to give me Peter's parents' numbers!"

"Mom! I need you to slow down!" I groan.

Her reaction was almost as fast as my decision to marry Peter.

Like mother, like daughter, I suppose.

"Dina is out with that Daamir boy?" Mom asks my friends.

Zoya nods. "Don't worry, auntie. They're having lunch with her parents."

"Oh, they're getting serious." Mom says. "I'm so glad all of you girls are all doing well in your love lives." She starts getting teary.

"Our love lives?" Zoya questions.

"You think Amara hasn't told me everything about all of you?" Mom grins.

Beena and Zoya begin blushing.

"Ah, there's the shyness, I see I wasn't wrong." Mom giggles.

After a few more hours of video chatting with my mom, we hang up.

"I talked to Peter." Zoya suddenly says.

"About?" I ask.

"About you two." Zoya grins.

"Zoya! What did you say?!" I raise my voice.

"I told him you have an obsession with him and you're a crazy lady who never stops talking about him." She smirks.

Beena bursts into laughter. "Oh my God."

"Zoya!" I scream.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" She laughs.

Her expression suddenly turns serious. "I did tell him to back off if he's not serious about you."

I sigh. "I told him the same thing."

"And he hasn't backed off yet so maybe he's finally settled?" Dina says.

"Or his ego is too big and he won't leave her but won't commit either." Zoya rolls her eyes.

"That's highly possible." Beena laughs.

"Maybe... maybe I should just leave because... sometimes I feel like we're getting somewhere but sometimes I feel like we're back to square one." I frown.

Zoya and Beena both put a hand on my shoulders.

"Leave to Allah. You do what you think is right." Zoya says softly.

Beena nods. "Zoya's right. Basically, just go with your flow, not Peter's flow."

"I love you guys." I give them a hug.

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