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Amara's POV

"A pop quiz on the first day? Does your professor want everyone to drop out?" Zoya gasps in disbelief.

"You should've dropkicked him to the floor." Beena suggests.

"Astagfirullah, Beena! I would never!" I exclaim at first. "But... I should've texted you to do it for me because I'd be down." I start laughing.

"You should have. I would have made a whole scene." Beena laughs.

"Let's be real, Beena would have used her feminine charms to get your professor to never give you guys a quiz." Zoya says.

"Remember that time in high school when Beena actually managed to do that for our marketing class?" Dina helps us remember.

"Ya Allah! That teacher was a whole ass pedo." I say.

All of us laugh so hard, we couldn't breathe anymore.

Zoya Sharif And Beena Husseini have been my best friends since the same time as Dina. My group of friends only consists of them because I don't really have the need to make more.

They all have friends outside of our group but I just don't find the need to make any, mostly because my socializing skills are nonexistent.

Now that I think about it, our friend group is a pretty good mix of different types of muslims. There's Zoya and I, whom are hijabis. Dina and Beena are not. However, Dina and I are slightly more similar, whilst Beena and Zoya are more similar, whether that's similar in our religious beliefs or personality.

But our love for each other are equal and we always share everything with each other. There has never been a situation where one of us only tell one other person in the group something. We either speak to the whole group or we don't say anything, which rarely happens.

"So... There's this guy I met in one of my elective classes." Beena grins.

"Oooh! Spill the tea!" Zoya says excitedly.

"How long will this one last?" I tease her.

"Only Lord knows." Beena laughs.

Beena has the tendency to be... impulsive. She also has commitment issues. She cannot stand by her feelings for one guy for more than a few days. She can get bored of people quickly.

"Did you talk to him?" Dina asks.

"Do you know me? Of course I talked to him. I got his number, Instagram and Snapchat." Beena smirks.

Of course she did. Extroverted Beena strikes again.

The three of us give Beena slow, dramatic claps.

"Well done." Zoya says.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Beena does a slight bow. "And..."

"There's more?" I look at her with wide eyes.

"Yes, there is. I got invited to his house party this Saturday and he said I can bring my friends." Beena grins.

"Really? That would be fun!" Zoya smiles.

We've tagged along with Beena and Zoya to a few parties at university whenever they've been invited to them. Mostly because Beena can behave a bit erratically and spiral out of control if no one's there to watch her. This is also the reason that Dina and I are dragged there against our wills. We usually just sit in a less hectic corner of the place and keep an eye on Beena and Zoya, especially Beena.

You'd think people would give you odd looks if a hijabi shows up at a college party but everyone's too wasted or high to even realize. Zoya may be a hijabi but she fits in well, she's a social butterfly so everyone is instantly drawn to her.

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