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Amara's POV

"Wallah, I didn't know anything about this." Rooble says defensively.

"Someone's got some fucking explaining to do because Amara–" Zoya begins scolding everyone until she realizes I have been standing here. "Amara! Are you okay? Did Peter say anything?" She quickly holds my hand in hers as a way of comfort.

I couldn't move my body, let alone my lips. Piece by piece, everything inside of me feels like it's crashing.

"Amara?" Beena nudges me a little but I didn't have the energy to react.

"Please say something." Dina's voice starts shaking as she takes my other hand in hers.

The guys look on silently, waiting for me to completely breakdown. But the expression their faces are holding is clear, they want me to say something, do something to make sure I can function.

But the world around me starts to disappear, I couldn't pick out where's what anymore. The ringing in my ears intensifies, the pain in my chest is aggravating and all I want to do right now is lay down somewhere... maybe if I sleep it off, it'll go away...

My grip on Zoya and Dina's hands harden. I can feel my legs begin to give out.

"Home." Is all I mange to say before leaning heavily on the girls.

The second the word comes out of my mouth, Zoya and Dina didn't hesitate. They quickly pulled me out of the hall and into the car within minutes.

Zoya told Beena to let Mister and Missus Bilal know we'll be leaving.

The last thing I remember is Beena asking me if I need anything once they settled me into the car.

• • •

"This dumb girl didn't even eat anything before leaving for the event! No wonder she passed out from everything being thrown at her." Beena slowly caresses my hair.

I can hear them talking but I haven't opened my eyes yet. As I slowly try to open them, I start to wonder what happened.

I was at the charity event and—oh.

I try to sit up but a pang of pain shoots through my head. "Ow!"

"Amara! Ya Allah! You're awake!" Dina says as she runs to hold me.

"Slowly! Slowly!" Beena says as she helps me sit up.

"Are you feeling a little better?" Zoya asks softly.

"I'm... hungry."

"Of course you are." She chuckles.

Dina hands me medicine and a glass of water for my headache as I see Zoya preparing something in the kitchen.

Guilt rushes over me when I realize how much panic and stress I put these girls through. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened."

The girls look at me in confusion as Beena asks, "Sorry for what?"

"For scaring you for no reason."

"Sis, your so-called boyfriend slash love-of-your-life said he didn't want commitment, then popped up with a fiancée at a party where you dressed to impress, I would've stayed passed out for longer to avoid all of this." Beena tries lightening the mood, which works because I end up giggling. "But don't be silly, you can't apologize for this. You didn't eat anything before you left, the reaction you had from the stress is totally normal."

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