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Amara's POV

"We will be working on the project worth 50% of your grade throughout the semester. I will partner you off with someone in the class right off the bat just so no one is left out." Dr. Adams says, as the groans of the class follows.

He ignores people's protests and continues. "Once I name the pairing, please find each other and sit together. After I pair everyone, I will give you five minutes to converse with one another and then we'll go back to our normal class."

I don't mind when professors pick groups or partners because I know there might be people in the class who are shy about asking others if they could join a group or such. It's a nice way of making things fair for everyone, maybe even making a new friend.

"I wanted to work with you!" Dina frowns.

"Me too." I pat her hand.

The professor starts pairing people off.

"Mr. Daamir Zaki and Ms. Dina Bashara, if you could find each other, that'd be great." He says.

Dina sees her partner give her a small wave a few rows back. I give Dina's hand a small, reassuring squeeze as she gets up to sit with her partner.

"Ms. Amara Mahmoud and... Mr. Peter Bilal." The professor says.

I sigh in disappointment. Having a class clown is great and all but they almost never turn out to be good project partners.

But there's nothing I could do about it. I'll just try to make sure he does his part of the work. Besides, if he made it this far in school, then he should be fine, right?

I look at him to see that he's scanning the class so I wave at him to signal him over at Dina's table. He's eyes fall on me and he flashes signature charming smile and waves back.

Once he reaches Dina's desk, I notice that he's taller than I thought he was. He has a very friendly smile but seems like he could be trouble.

"Let me formally introduce myself: Hi, I'm Peter." He reaches his hand out to shake mine.

I accidentally shake his hand and mentally scold myself for slipping. "Hey, I'm Amara."

"Amara. What a beautiful name, just as beautiful as you." He smirks.

I try my hardest not to roll my eyes. "Uh, thank you?"

"No problem. So, tell me about yourself." He says.

"I'd rather not."

"Oh, playing hard to get, I see." He chuckles.

If he keeps this up, I might end up rolling my eyes to the point where my they'll will pop out of its socket. "No, there's nothing interesting to say about me."

"I'm sure there is. How about favourite artist? Author? Book? Movie? Song" He pushes the topic.

He's not giving up so I surrender. "Um, I guess I enjoy listening Grace Carter, Florence + The Machine, The 1975, Daughter, Aurora, the list goes on."

He gasps dramatically, making me jump slightly. "No way! All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend by Aurora is one of my favourite albums. Florence's album, Ceremonials, is actually a masterpiece."

I was speechless, I didn't know how to react. He didn't look like someone who'd listen to this type of music.

"What's your favourite off of that album? Actually, let's say our favourite song from the album at the same time, okay?" He grins. "One, two, three!"

"What The Water Gave Me." Both of us say in sync.

"Yo! This is absolutely insane! Dr. Adams!" He calls the professor. "You literally matched me with my perfect half."

I look down in embarrassment, wanting to shrink away in my seat because the whole class is staring at us.

Dr. Adams raises a brow. "Uh...I'm glad it worked out for you two." He says flatly.

"You really didn't have to announce that to everyone." I sigh.

"Should we exchange numbers?" He suggests.

I guess I'll have to communicate with him somehow so I nod.

I unlock my phone and open the contacts app. I pass it to him so he can enter his info.

While he's typing away, I decide to really take a look at him.

He's actually very attractive, with his big brown eyes and his slightly tousled, dark hair. He looks like someone who dedicates a good amount of time at the gym, from the way his muscles are outlined in that tight shirt. His face is strong and defined as if his features were molded from sharp granite. His playful smile seems to be a semi-permanent part of him, as if he's always up to something mischievous. His lips are a soft pink, that look velvety plush. They look soft enough to—

Ya Allah! Astagfirullah, Amara! Snap out of it! I lightly smack the side of my head.

"Are you alright?" He asks suddenly.

I feel heat rise up my cheeks.

"Uh, yes, sorry, I'm fine. Carry on." I stumble through my sentence.

No wonder girls instantly become mush near this guy. Along with the good looks, his magnetic personality doesn't hurt either.

He hands my phone back to me. "Could you send me a quick text so I can add you onto my phone?"

"Yeah, sure." And I send it.

"Perfect!" He grins. "Oh, there's this party that's happening over the weekend, you should come by. I can text you the details."

This is the first time someone personally invited me to a party, not like I'd go anyways. Do I even look like someone who goes to college parties? Besides being forcefully taken to ones by Beena and Zoya, of course.

"Unfortunately, I already have prior plans for this weekend." I politely turn down.

"Oh, that's too bad. I'll text you the info anyways. Just in case you change your mind later."

The professor announces the five minutes are over and everyone should return to their normal seats if they wish.

"You seemed to have got along with Peter very well." Dina whispers.

"He has the type of sociable personality. Plus, we apparently enjoy the same type of music." I shrug.

"He listens to rock music?" Dina says in a surprised tone.

"Well... didn't really mention my love for rock music. Only my indie side." I smirk.

• • •

"He's really sweet!" Beena says with a daydream look on her face. "I'm head-over-heels!"

"Wow, Beena is really feeling this one. She might actually be serious." I tease her.

I finished Isha prayers and finally join the girls in the living room.

"Guys! I'm serious!" Beena pouts as she lays down on our couch.

"When will we be meeting him?" Zoya asks.

"At the party." Beena grubs.

"I can't wait! Beena seems to really like him!" Dina says excitedly.

"I don't know about this... Beena can be impulsive. But I'm very intrigued to see him as well." Curiosity has been itching at me.

Beena refuses to show us pictures of him because she wants us to see him in person.

The party is in about three days and I'm dying to see the man who could have possibly stolen Beena's heart.

- - -

A/N: ooh la la!

Next Update: Thursday, June 13 @ 11 AM (EST/Toronto Time), Insh'Allah!

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