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Amara's POV

"I tried. I tried so damn hard but I couldn't. All my life, you let me live however I wanted and for once, I wanted to be able to do what you told me to. I just wanted your praise and appreciation, that's all." Peter's words slip out as if he's been holding them back for ages.

"Once I saw Amara tonight, I almost gave her up. I almost broke her so horribly tonight that I hoped that she would never come back to me; that she should hate me inside out." His voice cracks and my heart clenches at the thought.

"But even when I was breaking her into pieces, I looked into her eyes expecting rage and hate, but there was none." He turns to look at me as he squeezes my hand. "She still looked at me as if she would give me the world, if I asked. I couldn't watch her crumble any further, I couldn't destroy her for my own selfish reasons."

"I realized I've loved Amara since the moment I laid eyes on her all those months ago but I was so afraid of not being accepted by you or Amara that I hid from all my problems."

"Mom, Dad," He faces his parents, "if I married anyone but Amara, I would've been miserable forever, knowing I could've changed our fate. Not only would I be miserable, so would Sarah and Amara. I know you expected better from me but I... I couldn't let her go."

His father sighs and all of us look into him with hope that he'll accept it and come around.

"We thought we would never see this day." He says.

I place a hand on Peter's shoulders to comfort him.

If I have to leave Peter for his parents to be happy, I'd do it in a heartbeat because his parents will always come before me. His parents' respect and blessing is more important than anyone else.


"We thought we'd never see the day where you act as a mature, responsible adult." Mr. Bilal finishes his sentence as he looks up to smile at his son. "Don't get me wrong, what you did today was extremely reckless and could've been handled privately but it also showed that you've grown as a person."

His mother steps forward to hold Peter's hand in hers with tears in her eyes. "Your father's right. When I saw you speak about Amara with such love in your eyes, I could tell something in you had changed for the better. In fact... I had a bit of a feeling that you liked Amara." She winks.

His parents give Peter a brief hug and approach me. His mother embraces me with warmth and says, "I can't wait for you to be a part of the Bilal family."

"Ever since he's been around you, Peter's been taking an interest in Islam. He's been visiting the local mosque to understand it more. Even though he was born into a Muslim family, we never pressured him into anything." He pays Peter's back. "I'm happy to see such amazing changes growing within him all because of Amara."

I quickly shake my head. "Oh, no! It wasn't just me. I'm sure Peter had it in him all along. He just needed a little push, that's all."

"She's so humble. Nothing like our narcissistic son." His mother laughs.

"Mom!" Peter groans.

"Please excuse us. We have to explain Peter's little stunt to the guests." Mr. Bilal says.

"Amara, dear, we will love to sit down with your parents to talk about this officially!" Mrs. Bilal holds my hand excitedly.

"I'm sure my parents would love that." I smile as I give her hands a little squeeze out of my equal excitement.

Once his parents leave, Daamir steps up. "Am I crying? I think I'm crying." He announces.

"Shit, I would've married Peter if he said all that about me." Rooble teases.

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