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Beena's POV

"One Agua de Valencia, please." I tell the bartender.

Yes, I drink. Yes, I wear short dresses. Yes, I smoke from time to time. Yes, I've been in relationships. Yes, I'm considered Muslim, but I guess that's only by name. But that doesn't mean I don't believe in a higher power; a God.

My relationship with my religion is an extremely complicated and delicate one. My choices, which is considered to be sinful, is a conversation that is only between God and myself.

My friends have tried to get me to quit my troubling behaviour but I'm as stubborn as it gets, resulting in them giving up. Amara still tries though, she's such an angel.

Of course, they've rubbed off on me. I'm not as risky as I used to be in my teenage years. But the wild Beena is still as present as ever.

My friends have accepted me for who I am: my flaws, my problematic behaviours and all.

What an odd group of friends we are, huh? There's the super religious ones, the in between one and the sinful one, all in one tight knit group.

"Beena, you look as stunning as ever." Peter places a kiss on my cheek. "That dress is really doing you a solid for your sexy legs."

His comment makes me smirk. "Turns you on, huh?"

"Hell yeah." He winks.

I met Peter in one of my elective courses. He's absolutely charming and hilarious. I usually don't go further than a short attraction to guys but Peter feels different, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I'm not afraid when it comes to being outwardly straightforward. I didn't hesitate to strike up a conversation with him in class and we really hit it off. He's the one who invited me to the party.

As our conversation goes on, I see Amara and Dina, who's joined by Zoaya, a few feet away.

This is perfect! I wanted them to see him!

Excitement pours out as I wave at them to come over. "Guys! I want you meet someone!"

• • •

Amara's POV

No, no, no, no. Anyone but Peter. Please, Beena, anyone but Peter.

Dina squeezes my hand, noticing my discomfort.

We walk towards Beena and are joined by Zoya right before we got to Beena.

Zoya leans over to us, "Do you think he's the guy?"

Dina whispers, "It's possible."

"Guys!" Beena's smile is as bright as ever. "This is Peter, the guy I told you about. Peter this is Zoya, Dina, and—"

"And the bossy Amara." He finishes for her.

I couldn't focus because I couldn't look away from Peter's hand that's resting on Beena's bare leg.

Beena and Zoya look at Peter and I in confusion.

"Amara and I are partners in biology class. I know Dina from that class too." Peter grins.

"That's great!" Beena claps her hands in excitement.

Is it though?

How do I tell her what I just heard about him? Will her stubborn butt even listen to anything I have to say?

And she had to like the guy I sort of fancy? I sigh. I'm talking like he's already my husband.

"Beena, make sure you don't make any irrational decisions tonight. We want to be able to take you back home in one piece, thank you very much." I warn her.

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