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Amara's POV

Did he just...?

My breath gets caught in my throat. However, I do realize that I just told him that he should've just lied to me.

I lift my head up from his chest and take a step back to give him a sad smile. "I'm sorry I'm putting so much stress on you–"

"I love you, Amara." He repeats himself.

My chest clenches at the words I was so eager to hear.

"Peter, you really don't have to do this. I shouldn't have reacted so—"

He doesn't give me a chance to finish, instead he places a hand on my back and pushes me closer to him.

He rests his forehead on mine. "Listen to me, Amara. I'm in love with you."

I look into his eyes, which look glossy as if they're teary.

"I..." I don't know what's real or what's not anymore. "How do I know? How do I know that this isn't just a delusion?"

He gently presses his warm lips against mine and this time he kissed me; not out of curiosity, not out of lust, not out of desire. He purely kissed me out of passion for me. The kiss itself tells me that he feels something for me, it's something more than just a simple crush.

His hands slide up my waist to my face and he rests them on my cheek, slowly wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"Come with me."


He grabs my hand and pulls me along behind him.

He tells me to wait beside the stage.

"Wait, Peter—"

"Ladies and gentlemen! I have a very important announcement to make!" He extends his arm for me to take and I'm shaking my head rapidly.

There's no way I'm getting on that stage. I don't know what he's planning but I can't get up in front of all these people who are here for Peter and Sarah's engagement.

He ignores my pleas and grabs my wrist to pull me up on the stage. I'm so nervous that I could throw up. I hide behind Peter, who's holding my hand firmly beside him.

When I look out into the crowd, I see his friends with their jaws dropped open and I see my friends, including Sarah giving me the thumbs up, while making silly faces.

Ya Allah!

I can't find Mister and Missus Bilal But I'm too afraid to look. Poor Mrs. Bilal treated me with so much warmth and respect and this is how I repay her? Ruin her son's important event?

"I left somebody who loved me despite my many, many unforgivable faults. I left somebody out of fear of love. Fear is an incredibly powerful influence." Peter turns to looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "I said things that were like daggers in your heart and my actions left you poisoned by my venom. I brutally massacred your loving heart yet you still look at me like you'd give me the world."

I use my free hand to cover my mouth because I could feel the whimper coming from the back of my throat. My vision turns blurry from the tears coming forth because of his genuine words. 

The whole time, he spoke like I was the only one in the room. I was so shocked that I don't think I even blinked once throughout the whole thing.

"I know everyone was expecting a different outcome tonight but I don't want to run away anymore, this is where I stop and stand to take responsibility." He gets on one knee and my eyes widen as tears spill out. "Amara Mahmoud, I'm so in love with you that I surely think I'll lose my mind if I'm without you for one more second. I may have not prepared a ring but will you marry me?"

I hear people in the crowd yelling "say yes!"

I cover my face and break into a sob as I nod my head. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The guests erupt in cheers and I turn red from embarrassment and happiness.

He wraps his arms around me to bring me closer to him as I rest my head on his chest, not being able to look out into the crowd.

"If I let you go tonight, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself for the rest of my life. I would've regretted every living moment that would pass without you there." He whispered softly into my ears.

My heart literally feels like it will burst from all the joy of this moment. But I'm also afraid that this is all a dream, that I'll wake up tomorrow morning and I'll be back to being broken.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask quietly.

"I've never been so sure of anything else in my life than the decision I've made today." His voice washes away my concerns.

"That was so epic, Peter! You're the coolest person ever!" I hear Zoya.

"I expected Peter to turn the situation around but not with so much guts. This is definitely as extra as Peter Bilal can get." Sarah smirks.

"It took a lot to get to here." Peter replies. "Thanks for the push, Sarah."

"We've never been more proud to call you our best friend." Daamir chuckles.

"Does Amara plan on looking up or does she plan on spending the rest of the night in his arms?" Beena teases.

"I can't. This is so embarrassing." I say as I muffle my voice by hiding my face against Peter's chest even more.

Everyone bursts into laughter. 

"Peter." Mr. Bilal's stern voice calls him out.

I jump and my first instinct was to hide behind Peter.

I look at Mrs. Bilal, who's eyebrows are furrowed in an expression I can't quite read.

"Dad, I know this was not what you had in mind–"

"No, this was not. You embarrassed us in front of so many important guests. You always act on impulse and never use your head. Your reckless behaviour costs us our reputation." 

"Mr. Bilal, it wasn't just Peter. I am mostly to blame. I wanted to call this whole thing off as soon as possible because Peter, unfortunately and also fortunately, isn't the man I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with." Sarah tries pleading with them.

"I know this is definitely none of my business but I believe, as Peter's father and mother, you should think about how Peter and Amara looked at each other when they were up on that stage. They looked at each other if the other held the universe in their eyes." Munir tried explaining.

Mrs. Bilal sighs. "If this was the case all along, why didn't you just let us know?"

If it was that easy, I'm sure Peter would've done it sooner.

- - -

A/N: Eid Mubarak! I hope you guys had/have a lovely, blessed day! I know some of you guys are celebrating on Monday, I celebrated today. 😊 It's the end of the night for me & I'm about to go to sleep. Also, sorry for uploading so late! I was out with my family all day! ❤️

Next Update: Tuesday, August 13, 2019.

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