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A/N: the dress Amara is wearing will be attached at the end if the chapter! :)

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Amara's POV

The dress I chose turned out to be even more comfortable than I thought, it feels like soft silk against my skin.

"You look gorgeous, Amara!" Zoya squeals. "Mash'Allah!"

"Thank you." I smile. "You guys look like models, like always."

"Amara always gasses us up even when we look like we haven't showered in weeks." Beena says, making us all giggle.

She grabs the car keys, "I'll drive tonight."

We look at her, blinking at her in confusion.

"What?" She looks back at us innocently.

"Don't act all naive. You never want to drive." Zoya says as Dina and I nod.

"I thought I should give Amara a break by driving her once in a while." Beena explains.

"I like this royalty treatment." I grin.

"Well, don't get too comfortable." Beena chuckles. "You'll be back to being a driver tomorrow."

And with that, we head off to the event that will make me feel worst than I already do.

• • •

"The food is great." Zoya says as she munches on the samosas. "But where's the couple? I'm seriously bored. I want to go home and watch a movie or something."

I shrug my shoulders.

I sort of lost my appetite in the beginning but the second the food arrived, I felt like I could eat up everything.

"You're really enjoying the roast chicken, I see." Beena grins.

"When do I not enjoy chicken?" I point at the mashed potatoes. "Try it with that. It's heavenly."

Dina starts giggling. "I'm glad you're still you even after everything."

"Am I mad at the food? No. Why would I hurt food's feelings?" I chuckle.

"Amara! Dina! Zoya! Beena!"

"Mrs. Bilal, good afternoon!" I try to greet her with my mouth stuffed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I should've waited until you finished eating. I'm so glad you could make it! Sarah was hoping you girls would join us." She says apologetically. 

Zoya starts choking. "Sarah?"

"Yes, she really wants to get to know you girls. She was telling me how Amara seems like someone she knows so she wanted to talk to her." Mrs. Bilal smiles. 

The three girls stare at me, as if they're waiting for me to explain this.

How would I know what's going on? I don't know Sarah from anywhere. I've never seen her before until the day of the charity event.

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