Wings to Fly Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I looked around. It appeared to be nighttime. I was crouched in the corner of an alley. I'm guessing it's some sort of mini mart. Luckily there wasn't anyone around. A few cars passed by now and then, but I doubt they saw me. Across the street from where I sat was the local shopping mall. Families rushed in and out excitedly as they finished their last minute Christmas shopping. I guess I forgot Heaven and Earth's dates were just a few months apart. I wonder when Christmas day is? Snow blanketed the ground everywhere I looked. Just miles away I could hear the sweet laughter of small children building snowmen in their yards. That's weird, I've always had the normal hearing of a human. Now I could tune my hearing in and out to whatever I wanted to listen to. I tried it again. Not too far away I could hear police sirens. They chased after a black BMW, that had ran a red light. Skid marks permanently traced down the street, left in their dust. I tuned out the chase as things got more intense. Now not only could I hear the scene perfectly like I was in the car, but I could see and feel it too. I bit my lip. Had the change already begun? It couldn't be, it's too soon. I better get out of here. I thought to myself.

I stood up, and stretched my back. I started toward the sidewalk slowly. I went to turn the corner, quickly swinging myself back into the alley just before running into someone. It was two teenage boys. They looked about my age just before I'd died. One had curly bronze hair with green eyes. The other looked of a replica of the one before. They were obviously identical twins. They stood there, feet buried in the snow, staring at me in awe. One of them pointed in my direction. The other began to walk slowly towards me. Thankfully his brother stopped him before he could get any closer.

"Dude, do you see that? The one on the right squinted his eyes at me.

"Yeah, what the fuck is that thing? It looks like the effin grudge with wings!" His monotone voice shivered in the cold.

"I can't even tell if it's actually there, or if my eyes are just playing tricks on me."

Oh, crap! The change had already started, and I look like the grudge. I stood more still than ever when I heard more footsteps coming this way.

"Where'd you go? We were looking everywhere for you." Two girls came up to the boys, taking their hands. They ignored them, still staring in my direction. The two girls found where the boys were looking. At me. I cocked my head to the side. My heart flip-flopped, and a single tear slid down my face. One of the girls looked exactly like Adella. She had the same platinum blonde hair. The same light blue eyes. The same everything.

I had completely forgot. Once an angel has died, they're given the chance to be reincarnated. They'll always be born in the same town, and have the same features, but no one ever seems to notice. The only thing that's different is that their born into a different family,their name is different and that they won't remember anything from their old life. Possibly if they really try hard, they'll be able to slowly start to remember things from their former lives. Usually the only possibility they have of remembering is if someone from their old life is brought into their new life. No matter what, someone from your old life always meets up with you somewhere in the middle. Although only so many people remember. These people are very rare. They're called following hands. Following hands, are reincarnated angels that have been reunited with someone from their former life, and remember everything from their life before they died. The only way to become a following hand is if someone you know has been reincarnated, once you finally die too, you'll be reincarnated with them. You follow in their footsteps.

I looked up at the girl who looked like Adella. Is it possible that Adella was a following hand? All I know is that the only way for her to be a following hand is if......if I'm reincarnated too. That almost explains everything. Like why the demons want me on their side, and why they killed all my family. I'ts not that they want me, it's that they want what I used to be. I had a lot to figure out in so little time. What am I going to do?

The girl stared at me, and for a split second our eyes met. I knew there was something she remembered about me. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

She looked up at her boyfriend. "What is that thing?" She didn't seem scared like all the others. She seemed shocked, like she'd seen my face before. Almost like she remembered. Maybe she did.

"I don't know, but let's go check it out." They all began to walk into the alley. I couldn't let them corner me. I looked around looking for somewhere to run, but the only way was up. Would I be able to jump that high? I guess I had to take my chances. I crouched in ready position. Quickly pulling myself up onto the roof of the mini mart, barely sweeping my big black wings past their faces. I really hope they didn't see that. I looked down into the dark alleyway. Sure enough they all stared up at me in awe.

"What the hell is that thing?" Everyone ran away down the street, except for Adella's reincarnation. She stood still, staring up at me. I didn't move. She began to speak.

"What are you?" She asked expressionless.

"You already know, Adella." I whispered loud enough for her to hear me. With that I was gone, sweeping from roof top, to roof top, not once looking back.

"Wait!" I heard her yell, but I ignored her and just kept going further, and further into the night.

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