Chapter 7 - How to Cope

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Go check out my other book...the title and everything is up above ^^

The darkness is closing in on me, I can literally feel myself becoming one with unconsciousness. I look to the two men that I trust, for some odd reason.
"C-Cole. E-E-Eros."
They turn to me. Eros talks first.
"What's wrong, amare?"
Cole's eyes flick to mine.
"I know what's wrong."
Cole goes over to the man.
"Carlos. Please tell me you didn't. Please say what her mind says isn't true."
The man, Carlos, looks into his eyes.
"I don't know what you are talking about Alpha."
Cole growls.
"Don't lie to me! I see you and her...she was so young! She was 13 maybe 14, she underage! How could you buy a child for the night? How could you sleep with my mate? She was crying for you to stop. And you didn't?! Why?!"
"Her father, Michael, said she needed to be punished. I didn't know she was your mate, fratello. I didn't know Alfa. If I would've known, I wouldn't have ever touched her, nor looked at her."
"That's no excuse, fratello. If you were in fact, my fratello, my brother, you wouldn't have dishonored our pack in such a way. Regardless. She was so young. You are a disgusting wolf, and now you shall be a pack-less, disgusting wolf."
Carlos' eyes widened as Cole started speaking.
"Io, Alfa Cole Magnus ReLupo, bandire Carlos Natleon Nero, a partire dal il Pacco di Re per essere un traditore furfante. E per aver preso la verginità della mia compagna e Regina. E per usare una ragazza come un giocattolo. Questo è il decreto del Re."
(Not sure if any of that I right at all. 😂)
Carlos then shifted, as if he had no choice and ran away.
I watched with wary eyes as the rest of the wolv-werewolves turned back to their king.
Something inside me seemed to be screaming, "Hot damn our man is Italian."
And that voice was right. I like that he's so powerful and willing to protect me.
Why am I ok with all this? I may never know.


(350 words)

So sorry this is so short! My wattpad crashed and i had to rewrite this 3 times...and also it's the last few weeks of school for me and I'm feeling quite swamped...i had to make up like 3 tests today and now I'm studying for finals...and to top it all off i got kinda sick so like I'm just kinda done with everything right now...hopefully next chapter will be longer!!
Thank for reading my lovelies 💕

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