Chapter 8 - Why Me?

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I took that picture...very proud of it...enjoy!!!


I walk into the black van with the two men. Aka Cole and Eros. They both seem very tense, and honestly, well, they should be. I'm seething right now. They won't tell me anything besides "Just wait till we get to the house."
What house? Who's house are we going to? What the actual hell is going on?
I swear these people are crazy. Werewolves and vampires, yeah right. I'm going to need actual proof of life on that one.
When we finally get to the house. No wait it house. It's a motherfucking castle for God's sake.
The car doors are opened for us and my one small duffle and Cole's huge suitcases are picked up by 2 very tall, and handsome, gentlemen.
They almost drop the bags when Eros gets out of the car, but they do start growling. I feel myself start to shake, but with anger or fear I can't decide.
I look the men in the eyes as Cole explain me that Eros is here for business and to let him be. I sigh, and pray that this doesn't actually become a blood bath. Something tells me that if these supernaturals are real, they have to be something like the stories. The vampires versus the werewolves. Right?
Cole takes my hand and escorts me into the huge castle. The inside is even more lavish than the outside. There are diamond chandeliers, blue tapestries, and pictures of past queens, I'm only guessing, in fairytale-like gowns. The men in the pictures are wearing their robes, all make of fine stains and silks.
One picture catches my eye. In the one picture there are 2 women and one man. The one woman wears a light blue dress which matches her stormy grey eyes and blonde hair perfectly. The other wears are dark blue dress that has gold flecks which make her brown eyes and hair pop. Their tiara's sparkle and shine, even though they are in a painting. The brown haired woman seems to remind me of someone. I then look to the man. He wears a red robe, and a gold crown. I seem to remember him from somewhere as well. A voice in my head talks to me.
They're mates. Like you, Eros, and Cole.
3 people as mates? Well then. That can happen?
No. No, it can't. This is all a dream or something. Supernaturals aren't real. I'll be damned if they are.
I look up go see Eros and Cole staring at me. I stare right back. When they don't budge I smirk.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer."
They smirk back. I turn back to the picture. I swear I know at least one of these people, but I can't put my finger on it. I look into their eyes again. The brown haired woman and the man seem to be staring back at me. I quickly walk back to Eros and Cole.
Cole smiles at me.
"You like that painting?"
I look back to it.
"Yes, actually."
Cole hums.
"Hm. That was the king before my father."
"Was it your grandfather?"
"No. He is a different blood line."
"Ah. I see."
"Wait. You said is. Is he still alive?"
"He should be. After all, he was kicked off the throne by my father at the age of 20. My father was the old beta."
"Wait. So you mean to tell me that this man."
I walk back to the portrait.
"Could still be alive?"
"Well, technically, yes. He would still be quite young, seeing as how that happened only 18 years ago."
"It's nothing. I just feel like I know him from somewhere."
"Would you like to know his name?"
I look back to the painting.
"I mean. I guess..."
"Maximilian Ferire Il Re."
My mind seems to translate it for me. I turn back to the picture.
"Maximilian Hurt King?"
Eros and Cole seem surprised I knew that.
"Yes...but how? Never mind."
I get dragged upstairs and then the real talk begins.
They start talking to me about how we are in fact, mates, and what that means.
"What if...what if I don't believe any of this?"
Cole takes my hand.
"If you need proof...just don't scream, please."
Cole's eyes shine with hurt at me not believing him, or maybe, just maybe, of me being scared of him?
Cole's goes to the center of the large room and shifts into a massive black and white wolf in front of my very eyes. His ears and tail have white tips. His right front and left back paws look like they have white socks.
I slowly walk closer to him. He walks Coker to me and nudges my hand. I put it out and his velvet-like fur touches my hand. He maneuvers his head so his soft pink tongue can lick my hand softly. I smile. How could I be scared of something that's being so gentle with me?
Eros walks up next to me. Cole, or his wolf, I don't really know what to call him...
Nochtis. His name is Nochtis.
The wolf stirs under my hand. He looks into my eyes and his tongue lulls out of his mouth. He seems confused but happy I know his name. Just then, Cole's name gets called. He quickly shifts back, throws in his shorts, and runs out the door.
"I'll be back soon."
He leaves me all alone with Eros. The supposed human blood sucking vampire. Great.
"Wouldn't you like to see if I'm telling the truth?"
Eros makes his way over to me and when he does he brings us very close together. He starts kissing my lips, not roughly, but with need. He kisses me slowly and starts moving his lips down my neck. When he his a certain spot, I gasp. He chuckles. I feel his mouth run over the sweet spot and I feel something sharp and pointed near my neck. Fangs.
He runs his fangs over the spot, and I would expect to feel fear, but all I can feel is want. Maybe even need. Well isn't this just great?
He's runs the fangs over my neck and I whimper. He's teasing me.
"You know me all too well, amare."
Is it just me or did the room get steamier? Dreamier? Wait what?
I don't even get to collect my thoughts before he sticks his fangs into my neck. I instantly feel a wave of pleasure roll over me. He continues sucking in my neck and I can feel the blood running into his mouth. He finally unhooks himself from my neck and I feel his tongue lick off the relain my blood. Then my true thoughts kick in.
"You just bit me! You son of a bi-"
My screaming is cut off by a sudden wave of weakness. I look at him and glare. He looks hurt by this. And then my world goes dark.


(1170 words)

Also please don't hate me *hides*
Anyway thanks for reading my lovelies 💕


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