Chapter 5 - Stolen

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I feel like I'm being watched as I exit the plane. I look around to find nothing suspicious. I'm probably just overreacting, being in a new place makes me feel weird.
As Cole and I walk to a black SUV, I feel the sensation again. I shiver. Is it cold or is it just me? I feel another weird shudder pass through me. Something isn't right. At all.
I say with urgency in my voice.
"Yes, Lyra?"
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, ok? I'll be back soon."
He looks at me and seems to want to say no, and a part of me wants him to. I want him to tell me no. I want him to force me to get into the car and leave. But sadly, he decides to respect my wishes.
As I walk to the bathroom I feel someone grab my wrist, and pull me into a vacant hallway. A deep silky voice calls out and I find myself swooning over the sound.
Everything in me tells me I should reply with "Yours.", but I hold back. I don't know who this is. Why is my brain all fuzzy? Why do I feel...complete?
I look up to see a man in a suit. It's black. Everything about him is dark. But his eyes. His eyes are a light sea blue. I feel myself getting lost in yet another man's eyes. Why does this keep happening?
"Hello, amare."
I recognize the language. Latin. I briefly studied it in school. Oh dear god. School. I forgot.
My eyes snap back up to his almost turquoise eyes.
"What do you want with me?"
"You're Mine. I want you."
I feel myself feel all fuzzy and warm inside at his words.
He puts his face in the crook of my neck.
"Delicious, amare."
"You smell like peaches and cinnamon."
"...thank you? But why do you mean I smell like..."
"Shh. Amare. Please."
He brings me closer to him. I tilt my head down, but his hand gently lifts my head back up. I look into his beautiful eyes. I feel like it's just me and him. He pulls me even closer to him, if it's even possible. I can feel his flat muscly stomach and my hands lay on his arms. Everything in my 17 year old brain is screaming bloody murder for me to run. But my heart, says to stay. To let whatever this is be. He pulls my mouth closer to his, and I jerk my head so his lips land on my cheek. I shouldn't just kiss a random stranger...right? Ugh. This man has me questioning my morals.
After a while of no movement, I look up to him. He takes that chance to take my lips as his own. The kiss starts slow and within 10 seconds I find myself kissing back. Then and only then does the kiss deepen and quicken. When we finally pull away, I hear a deep animalistic growl.
I turn to see Cole with black eyes and a deadly look on his face.
The man who stole me away turns to Cole.
"No, Cole. Mine."


(535 words)

Hot d@mn. I broke myself 😂 anyway I rly wanted to get that chapter out, so I hope you enjoyed cuz the teaaaa spilllled my friends


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