Welcome Home

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"How's this possible?" Antonella felt her eyes water as her voice was in a faint whisper. Jay, Mack, Stiles, Lydia, her mother and her in the living room of the Argent home. "So this means that you faked your own death. That you-"

"Killed my family," Jay growled, Stiles and Mack, holding her back from doing anything irrational.

"Ah, Jamie," Francesca moves her gaze to the blonde girl. "You look well. As do you, Mack. Looks like you finally were able to win over my daughter." He grimaced at her. "But no, not exactly. I simply ordered their deaths to happen."

"You had my father murdered," Andy still spoke softly. "Your husband."

"That was necessary," her mother insisted.

"Why?" Andy looked her dead in the eye. "Why do all of this?"

"Why everyone has done everything to you," her mother began. "To get your power."

"Is that why you were with dad?"

"Yes and no," her mother said. "I knew he would give me you."

"Why the hell did you guys stop here?" Isaac asked, walking into the house and into the living room. Scott, Kira, and Nina were behind him.

"Who's this?" Kira asked.

"That's my mom," Nina swallowed, her words making Isaac's eyes land on Andy.

"She did this," Andy felt the anger rush through her veins, the fire. "She caused all of this."

"Mama?" Nina cried, still shocked.

"Oh, my other daughter," Francesca started to walk to her.

"No," Andy stepped in between them. "She's not our mother."

"I birthed you."

"You created me," Andy corrected. "To be your puppet."

"I trained you to be the best," she told her. "Then when I knew you needed a push, I had you sent to the Academy. Look at you, you're even more powerful than I thought you'd be."

"Where's Chris?" Scott demanded, being the only one to realize they were in his home without his presence.

"Somewhere in here," Francesca grinned. "I just wanted to say 'hi' to my precious daughter," she walked up to Andy and lifted her head. "You are just as beautiful as I remembered," Andy sensed Nina's jealousy.

It was always a war between them to get their mother's attention. Even though Andy tried her best to impress her mother, it never works, she still was watched more than her younger sister. Now they knew why.

"And you're just as bitchy," Andy spat.

"I would watch what you say," Francesca tsked. "It doesn't matter. Any minute now this house will explode. Better hurry up and find your uncle."

They all panicked. Then they scattered.

"Andy," her mother called, as her oldest daughter ran upstairs. "You'll turn to my side."

Andy just felt her insides turn to mush, everything she had done for her mother felt so wrong. She felt something she wasn't used to...betrayal. Then she ran upstairs.

"Was that you?" Isaac asked Francesca as everyone looked for her brother. "Did you threaten my relationship with her?"

"I had to," Francesca informed her. "You're a handsome boy, and protective," she also tried to touch his face, but he moved his head.

"Don't touch me."

"Look at me," she still grabbed his face, squeezing it as he looked her into her eyes. "She can't be in love with you."

ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now