"I wanted to have-"

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"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait to get back to the academy," Jay groaned as she flopped back on the bed in Stiles' house in Beacon Hills. It was a long night last night and she had slept over at his house.

*Last Night*

"That was so much fun!" Jay half yelled as she walked into Stiles's' bedroom. "Oh my God, did a five year old live here?"

"Haha, very funny," Stiles sarcastically spoke as he followed her inside.

Jay walked slowly around the blue room, taking in everything. It was so Stiles, making it instantly comfortable for her being in there. She traced her fingers along his mystery board.

"Those are from old cases my dad had," Stiles explained.

"Cool," she said as she remembered him referring to what each color string meant.

Green 'solved,' yellows 'to be determined,' red 'unsolved,' and blue because it was 'just pretty.'

"Can I burrow something to wear to bed?" She asked.

"Um, yeah sure," he went to his closet and grabbed a couple things. "T-shirt and gym shirts okay?"

"Yeah," she responded and he tossed her the clothes. "Turn around."

He turned to face the closet as he heard her move around. He rocked back and forth on his heels. Being Stiles, after a few seconds he turned around to face her without thinking.

"Oops," he chuckled nervously as she quickly pulled up the gym shorts.

Jay threw a pillow at him as she made herself comfortable under the sheets.

"Come snuggle with me," she said softly, eyes forcing to stay open a little longer. Soon, she felt an arm around her.

"Is this okay?" He asked nervously. "I mean, are you okay? Are-"

"Stiles," she interrupted. "I'm fine."

"Okay," He took a deep breath and realized he shouldn't be nervous. Jay had been his girlfriend for a few months, this should feel relaxing and normal. "Jay?"

"Yes, Mischief?" Her voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you," he said but got no response. He looked to her face to see her fast asleep before smiling to himself.

*Present Day*

"Yeah, me too," he smiled cheekily at his girlfriend, sitting on the chair at his desk.

"See something you like?" She sat up on her elbows.

"Um-pfft-Yeah," he nervously chuckled.

"I want you," Jay blurted out.

"Huh?" He fell out of his chair. "I mean, 'yeah, okay."

Jay starts laughing a lot falling off the bed making her groan. The whole time leaving him confused. He gets up and walks over to her to make sure she is okay. He leans over the side to see her eyes closed and her passed out.

"Jamie! Hey babe"

Jamie starts smiling and opens her eyes. Starting to giggle she moves herself up against the bed still laughing. Stiles rolls his eyes, irritated a bit that she did that. He leans down next to her and commands
"Get up."

"What?" He grabs her waist and hoists her up and slightly pushes her eyes onto the bed. Jay's legs hanging off the side of the bed.

"You don't get to do that" he says in a husky voice. He leans down onto of her, having his elbows help hover over her. Jay started breathing heavy

ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now