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The day after Halloween was quite nice. It was a beautiful day in Utah, just slightly cold as it was mid-fall. The Moonlit dorm swarmed once more with it's members plus the Blood-Moon pack. You would've thought they were just one pack because they were always together. They probably should be considering the fact the Blood-Moon pack has shrunk dramatically.

Andy had made herself a beautiful spinach and mozzarella omelette and a huge cup of coffee before joining her sister, Nina and Derek on the back patio.

"Didn't get much sleep?" Nina asked, concerned as she spotted the fatigue in her older, half-sister's face.

"You could say that," Andy mumbled groggily from the right side of the bench, taking a long sip of coffee. It was those damn nightmares that returned. "I'm guessing you guys didn't either?" She chuckled.

"Oh..." Nina blushed when she realised her sister noticed her tossed hair and wrinkly clothes, clearly not thinking of cleaning up before going over for breakfast.

"Yeah," Derek bluntly said, smiling like a champion who had just one first place.

Andy was happy that Nina was able to bring out this deeper, happier side of Derek. He was a good and loyal friend to her, and she was rather happy that her sister fell for him. He too, was able to keep this wild, young girl in check. He also helped mend the two sister's relationship a couple of times. Andy owed him a lot.

"Well, you two kids better be using protection," Andy joked as she cut into her egg, satisfied by the scent and taste.

"Okay mom," Nina laughed but stopped when she realised what she had said.

"Don't worry about it," Andy reassured her sister with a warm smile. "It's not like we're supposed to never say that word again."

"You're right," Nina agreed. "We should be able to joke-Oh my God-I'm sounding like you." They just laughed together.

"So," Derek began. "Where am I supposed to get one of those?" He eyed Andy's bitten omelette.

"The ingredients are inside," Andy told him. "I'm just kidding. Just finish mine, I really only need the coffee."

"Thank you," he gladly took the plate and fork, his stomach rumbling. He didn't get to eat last night because Nina practically dragged him back to his room that he shared with no one.

"No problem," Andy chuckled as he teared into it. Her stomach actually clutching because she was matter of fact hungry.

"What about me?" Nina asked.

"Nope," Andy refused. "I made you a lot of things when we were young and you only took a bite out of it."

"Why would you do that?" Derek asked his younger girlfriend. "This is really good."

"Thank you," Andy said. "She would waste everything."

"That's why we had our dad," Nina said.

"That's true," Andy smirked. "He could eat anything in sight. Thank God, otherwise we would have cockroach's wherever Nerina hid her food."

"Oh, yeah," Nina laughed. "I remember when Jay and Mack were sleeping over and Mack found my salami sandwich with two bites in it."

"That thing was almost a week old," Andy added, adding extra disgust as she looked at Derek.

"The only thing she almost ever finished was ramen," Andy told him in disgust. "She could've survived off of it."

"You got so mad when I made it instead of eating the food that was already prepared."

ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now