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Andy threw the Chinese ring dagger and it landed right in the bulls-eye of the target. She had been hauled up in the training room since Tom had disappeared a week ago when their mother exposed his betrayal to the Moonlit and Blood-Moon pack. No one really saw her as she got up earlier in the morning and returned to her dorm late at night. She remained quiet in her classes, and only did individual training. She only had those special privileges because everyone in the academy knew what the poor girl has gone through. Everyone-especially Jay-was concerned for her. 

"Never miss, huh?" She heard someone ask from the entrance of the room as the person slowly and mockingly clapped his hands.

"What're you doing in here?" She asked, not turning around, knowing it was the infamous Isaac Lahey before he even stepped into the room. She had and will remember his powerful scent.

"Someone had to check up on you," He walked to the table filled of many different types of weapons, picking up an exotic-looking sword. "Thought I would be the one to do the honor with all my chivalry."

"Careful there, Knight Lahey," She pointed at the sword he held with the dagger she removed from the target. "Before you accidentally kill yourself. That thing will slice you smoothly in an instant."

"That's King Lahey to you," He retorted after carefully placing the sword back down on the table.

"'That's King Lahey to you'" She mimicked.

"Did you just mock me?" Isaac asked with a devilish smirk.

"Maybe," she slyly curved the edge of the right side of her mouth.

"Oh, you wanna play that game," He stepped closer to her, but she stood her ground, covering up her racing heart beat. 

She thought he was going to just mock her...but he didn't. He grabbed her and she felt his hands come to her waist.

"What-" But then she was cut off by her own laughter. He was tickling her. "Lahey, stop!"

"You have to apologize," he told her.

"Never," she giggled. "Okay, okay...I'm sorry I mocked you," she hurriedly said.

"See, was that hard?" He asked with a big smile, happy to see her smiling too. 

"I'm gonna get you for that," she tried to be intimidating, but that smile didn't leave her face.

"Whatever you say, Anderson," He nearly whispered.

They stood like that for a moment. Stuck in each other's eyes and grip. Then Andy let a tear slip down her face, never liking the thought of crying in front of people.

"What's wrong?" He still had that soft tone as he rubbed the tear off of her cheek.

"I don't know," she attempted to smile again, but her lips only trembled slightly. "It just hurts."

"I'm sorry," he told her after bringing her into a hug, knowing that he was one of the only people she liked to be hugged by. 

"I should've never trusted him," Andy began to cry more, hurt by her older brother. "I knew when I first met him that he wasn't on our side. I don't know why I ever gave him a chance."

"It's because he's your family," he stroked her hair.

"So is my mother," she scoffed.

"And you still love her just like you still love him."

"I don't love her anymore," she said through clenched teeth.

"Of course you do," he told her. "Somewhere in your heart you still do. As bad as it sounds, I probably still love my dad after all of the abuse."

ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now