A Morning to Forget

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"Wake up!" Mack yelled, jumping on top of Andy, Jay, and Nina to wake them up.

"Get off bitch!" Jay tried to slap him with her face still in the pillow, therefore missed.

"What the hell Mack?" Andy groaned, actually sitting up to punch him on the arm.

"Ow!" He wined, rubbing his arm. "That hurt."

"Shut up," She spoke groggily and fell back on the bed.

"You're so annoying," Nina kicked him, cuddling up to her sister.

"Wakey, wakey," Tom said as he rushed into the room and jumped on top of them all.

"Not again," Nina complained and took it in her will to get up and beat her older brother.

"Ouch!" Jay yelled, sitting up and slapping her own brother over and over.

"I didn't do anything to you," Mack began to hit her back as Tom crawled into a ball as Nina hit him.

"I got hit by someone," she said.

"It wasn't me."

"I hate you both," Nina said, slapping Mack as well.

Somehow, the two girls ended up beating up both boys.

"Ughhh!" Andy groaned loudly. "Shut the hell up!"

"What are you guys doing?" Lydia asked after opening the door.

"Nothing," Nina said as they immediately stopped as if Lydia was their mother walking in.

"Coffee's ready!" They heard Scott announce from downstairs.

"Coffee?" Andy and Jay said, alert by the word, not able to live without the beverage, getting up and running downstairs.

"Bacon and eggs should be almost done too," Lydia added as Nina got up and leaving the room. "You boys look cute," Lydia smiled at them before leaving herself.

"What does she mean?" Mack asked confused, looking to Tom. They were both breathless and hair messy.

"I thought you were smart," Tom rolled off the bed, shook his head as he left Mack alone to figure it out.

"What? Oh," he said in realization. "I have a girlfriend Lyds," he said as he walked down the stairs.

When they all went downstairs Isaac was cooking breakfast and the ones who'd spent all of their summer in Beacon Hills were there.

"What's up man?" Jordan walked up to Mack and gave him a 'bro' hug.

"Nothin' much," Mack answered. "How's your summer been?"

"All right," he then walked over to his girlfriend, Lydia. "But have been missing my girl," he kissed her.

"Jay," Cora greeted her with a hug. "You don't understand what it's like to be stuck with male testosterone for almost three months."

"You had me," Malia reminded her.

"Same thing," Jay said for Cora.

"Hey," Derek said to Nina.

"Derek," Nina said bewildered, not expecting him to join them for breakfast. But she eagerly walked to him, kissing his lips impatiently. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," he said, not able to be broody with her.

"Boo!" Anthony attempted to sneak up behind Andy but she just turned to him unamused.

"That'll never work," she told him.

"One day it will," he smiled before going to greet Jay.

"What you make Isaac?" Tom asked his sister's ex-boyfriend.

"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon," Isaac said as he handed Tom a plate.

"Thanks, man," Tom grabbed a fork from a drawer and ate on the kitchen counter, standing. "This is amazing. I don't know why my sister ever broke up with you," everyone then grew uncomfortable. "Sorry," Tom said and caught Jay's eye roll.

"Just..." Andy took Mack's hand as she glared at her older brother. "Eat."

"Here's a spinach frittata," Isaac slid a plate on the table to Andy, almost making a spill. He stormed out of the house.

"What the hell is up with him?" Mal asked.

"Where are you going," Mack asked as Andy started to leave.

"I'm going to go after him," she saw something flicker in his eyes since she was going to follow her ex. "Trust me," he nodded, letting her go as she followed after Isaac.

Andy walked fast our the door, spotting Isaac almost at the sidewalk.

"Hey! Lahey, stop," She yelled and he stopped, making her come to a stop a few feet behind him. "What the hell was that?"

"What the hell was that?" He mocked, turning around angrily. "What do you think?"

"I don't know why you're mad at me," Andy said. "You forced me to break up with you, remember?"

"Yeah," he agreed. "But I didn't tell you to get with Mack. Have you even been with him?"

"That is none of your business."

"I'll take that as a 'no,'" he said, knowing that she hasn't. "Why?"

"We're taking it slow. Why am I even telling you this?" She threw her arms in the air.

"Because you're still in love with me."

"No, I'm not," she retorted.

"You sure?" He took a huge step closer to her.


"Does he make you happy?" Isaac asked. "Does he even know you?"

"Of course he does," she took a step toward him, trying to seem intimidating.

"Really?" Isaac smirked, repeating her step. "Does he know that besides your swords, that your favorite weapon is your Chinese ring daggers that both you and Allison recurved when you turned ten? When your hair is crazy down, you put it half up-half down?" Andy backed up as he kept on closing in on her. "That you like the rush you get when you're excited or nervous? The only makeup you like to wear is mascara? That you are obsessed with working out? That you bite your lip when you're thinking?"

"Lahey-Isaac," she corrected herself from using his last name, knowing he would use it against her. "Back up."

"That you-"

"Stop," she pushed him back. "I'm with Mack."

"You might not want to admit it, but you do still love me," he was still drawing closer to her.

"Leave me alone," she growled, trying to hold in her anger.

"You heard her," Jay popped out of no where and was suddenly in between them. "Back up before I kick your ass," she reached behind her and grabbed Andy's hand, letting her know that she was there for her.

"Fine," Isaac backed up in surrender. "But we both know the truth," he then disappeared in the woods.

"You okay?" Jay turned around to face her best friend.

"Yeah," Andy said. "Thank you."

"Let's get breakfast," Jay still held her hand, now leading her inside. "I need more coffee."

"Me too," they both laughed.



ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now