Before and After Lunch

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"So you two broke up?" Nina asked Andy and Mack who were sitting on Mack's bed. Jay was right next to Nina.

"Yep," Andy answered.

"No one knows?" Jay asked. The

"Yeah," Mack said.

"And you two are going back to your exes?" Andy was getting annoyed when the words slipped from Nina's lips. The two girls were repeating what Andy and Mack had told them.

Andy responded a quick "no" as Mack said, "Yes."

"I thought you say you were?" Mack then asked.

"I don't know," Andy said exasperated. She got up frantically and raised her hands; "you guys are making me anxious."

"Okay, chill," Jay tried to help her relax. "You two are dumb shits."

"You're a dumb shit," Mack retorted.

"We all are," Nina exclaimed. "Now, how are you getting back with Mal?" She focuses her attention to Mack.

"Kiss her?" It came out as a question.

"Kiss her?" Nina repeated.

"That's not gonna freak her out," jay said sarcastically.

"He told me that she may have remembered something through an action and I thought maybe if he did kiss her she'd remember their relationship," Andy didn't breathe as she spoke.

"You think it will work?" Jay looked at her best friend skeptically.

"I don't know," She shrugged. "Worth a shot."

"Can't wait to see Mal's face if it doesn't," Mack sent Nina an annoyed gaze. "Hey! It'll be funny."

"No, it won't," Mack said.

"I'm getting lunch," Andy said, feeling overwhelmed.

It felt good that no one was following her as she made her way out the Moonlit dorm. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and Andy was hoping to get in a run later that day. She wore knee-length leggings and a black tank top.

"Anderson, wait up!" She heard Isaac call from behind her.

Andy continued to walk as he dispatched from Derek and jogged to catch up with her.

"Going for a run?" She noticed him look her up and down but didn't say anything.

"Getting food first then waiting a little bit," she said.

"Mind if I join?" He smiled too innocently for her liking.

"What are you up to Lacey?" She asked.

"What?" He kept the innocent act. "Can't hangout with my new bestie? Afraid Mack'll disapprove?"

"Mack and I aren't together," She let the words slip without realizing. "Oh shit."

"What?" His eyes widened in surprise.

"Do not tell anybody," She stopped them a little away from the cafeteria building. "We're not telling anybody yet."

"Don't worry," he winked. "I'm good at keeping a secret."

"Good," she sighed and they continued to walk to the cafeteria.

"After you milady," he opened one of the double doors.

"Why thank you," she had a since of déjà vu as she recalled the first time they ever ate together at the cafeteria.

It was her first year at Forest Academy and they were having there first dinner of Sophomore year. Isaac had laid out his leather jacket for her to sit on under a tree. It was the beginning of an intense and complicated relationship. But before they actually started dating they were in a healthy friendship that increased to more and then collapsed from many obstacles. One being the prophecy that Andy was suppose to find her soulmate before the age of 25 otherwise she'd die. Doctor Alan Deaton had made it clear that it would probably not be anyone she had met. It would also justify if she would live or die in the near future. Andy had not believed in it, certain she was madly in love with Isaac, but he didn't take it well. Soon leading to their breakup.

ELEMENTS: The Final Battle (Teen Wolf AU) (Third Book of the Elements series)Where stories live. Discover now