Game Three: Round One

115 18 3

TW: bones/skull, hallucination, burnt remains, falling

Dee walks away from the group immediately, taking the Grand Staircase upstairs and exploring off the Upstairs Landing.

Four doors.

That's what he sees at the top of the staircase. He plays a quick game of eenie-meenie-minie-mo, then goes over and through the door that ends up being the 'winner' of the little rhyme.

Four more doors.

Well, three, but he's counting the one he walked through. The floorboards of the hallway creak loudly as Dee walks to the center of the room.

He sighs and puts his hands on his hips. "At least its quiet up here... probably not for long."

And then there are footsteps on the stairs, and a voice echoing. Dee groans and pulls the door to the creaky hallway shut to avoid Roman for as long as he can.


Roman follows Dee up the stairs, taking a door at random. he walks into a rather large and lavish Library.

"Found your favorite room, Logan." Roman says into his walkie talkie as he wanders between the shelves. "There's a whole library up here."

"Perhaps I'll come up and look in a few minutes." Logan replies. "Tell me if you find anything interesting."

Roman rolls his eyes and pockets the walkie talkie.

As he stops in front of the fireplace, he feels the room warm up. The walls are pulsing slightly, and at first Roman thinks its a trick of the light.

Then he realizes it isn't. It's a heartbeat, and it matches his own.

He doesn't even have time to scream when the room suddenly sucks inwards towards him. The walls swallow him up and spit him out again, and he stumbles.

"What the hell?" He's in a wine cellar, that's for sure. 

Roman spots a small decorated box that he'd guess is a music box and picks it up. "This is pretty...."


Patton decides to stay on the ground floor, exploring left of the Entrance Hall.

"Oh noooo..." He whispers quietly as he walks into the Charred Room. "I bet this was so pretty...."

For a few minutes he wanders around the mess, looking at the broken pieces of furniture and trying to imagine the room in its full glory. There's not much there, just a few splintered knick-knacks and-

"JESUS- are you okay?" Virgil asks when Patton screams.

"I- Yeah I just-" He takes a steadying breath and a few steps backwards. "I found a skull."

"Gross. I wanna see it." 

Patton makes a face. "Well I don't want to pick it up! Come in here if you want to look."


A Skull. A Skull!

Pristine, clean, white.

A shining Skull.

A terrifying sight.

An Omen appearing,

The message untame.

If our players persist,

They'll end up the same.


"Fine." Virgil rolls his eyes and joins Patton in the Charred Room. He looks at the skull, then blows a raspberry.

"Why's it by itself? Where's the body?"

Patton makes a face. "I don't even want to know."

"I do." Virgil turns, looking around the room. The burnt mess of the room strikes a sharp chord in his chest, and he takes the first door he sees.

There's a thin strip of wooden flooring on the other side, which Virgil misses entirely. He lands hard on a metal chute and goes sliding down into the darkness with a surprised yell.

"Are you okay?" He hears Patton's faint voice call when he lands.

"Yeah... just dirty."

Virgil sits up and looks around. "Oh great, I'm stuck with Roman now."

"Hey!" He hears the other man faintly protest from another room. He rolls his eyes and kicks a chunk of coal across the room.


Logan shakes his head at the others' antics and explores off of the Foyer. he enters a spacious Dining Room that seems to recently have been trashed.

There are plates shattered all over the floor, and cutlery sticking out of the walls. Logan carefully steps around the mess, wondering what happened to create it.

There's a book sitting on a small side table, and he goes to pick it up. When he opens it, he finds hand-written scribbles in another language that he's vaguely familiar with.

Logan puts the book in his bag. Perhaps he can translate it when he has time.


A Book. A Book!

Such worn, ancient leaves.

A sinister Book.

Pain 'scribed in its sheaves.

A terrifying Omen,

A warning to run.

If you find many more,

You won't see the sun.

Betrayal At Sanders Mansion, Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now