Game Five: Family Gathering Haunt

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TW: swearing, zombies, madman

"What the hell just happened?" Dee asks into the walkie talkie. For a few seconds there's silence, then it makes that clicking noise that means someone else is talking.

"Hello boys...."

Dee frowns, backing up away from the Kitchen door. "Who is this?"

"Three guesses, Deedee. You've met me, d'ya rememebr?"

"Sound off." Logan says quickly. "Who's still on the line?"

"Mmm, yes, I'd love to know that too!" Their intruder cackles.

"I'm here." - Virgil

"Me too." - Roman

"And me!" - Remus

They pause for a few moments.

"What did you do to Patton?" Dee demands.

"Oh don't worry, he's in a better place now! And you all will be, soon."

"Remy." Logan says flatly, finally having placed the voice.

Remy snickers. "You sound unhappy. Thought you liked me, Lo."

Dee freezes as he hears something scrabbling on the other side of the kitchen. 

"Ooh, do you hear them?" Remy whispers into the walkie talkie. "My family? They're under the floor, where I put them... but not for long!"

Dee presses himself up against the wall as a corpse drags itself from the broken hole it smashed out of the wall.

"Zombies. It had to be f*cking zombies."

He pages through the Book. "Alright, listen up you four upstairs."

Remy begins to cackle wildly as Dee reads the pages detailing dealing with a zombie apocalypse. Rooms of significance, lines of sight, the whole she-bang.

"Do try to keep your attention on each other as well." The Madman teases.

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