Game Six: Voodoo Haunt

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TW: blood, puncture wound mention, voodoo dolls (I think that's pretty obvious but just in case)

Roman suddenly begins to giggle, startling Virgil.
"What are you doing you weirdo?"

"Oh you guys are too easy!" The other man laughs, shaking his head. "Way too easy!"

Virgil backs away a little bit, frowning. "Whatever you're doing, Roman, it isn't funny."

"Oh it's HILARIOUS!" Roman grins, producing a notebook from his bag. "A little poking and prodding, Virge, and you'll be just like the others!"

He throws the notebook at Virgil's feet and it falls open.

On one page is a picture of a voodoo doll, crossed out with red marker. On the other, another photo has been taped.

The doll on that page looks like Patton. Virgil snatches the notebook and checks the next few pages.

One for each of them. He grabs his walkie talkie, staring at Roman in horror. His dramatic companion is still laughing, now sprawled across a blood-stained couch in the corner.

"Everyone meet me in the Foyer! Now!"

Roman's laughter follows him as he races downstairs, and the man himself stands on the Grand Staircase as the others stare in horror at the notebook.

"Happy hunting!" He winks, leaning against the banister. 


Patton Akimoto - The Rag Doll

"Stabbing punctures. Dirt and blood."


Remus Ingstrom - The Wax Doll

"You're burning up!"


Logan LeClerc - The Glass Doll

"Evil, evil everywhere. Unholy evil."


Virgil Rhinehardt - The Stone Doll

"Muck in your mouth. You're choking."


Dee Longfellow - The China Doll

"The ground, far below, is waiting."


Search fast, boys.

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