Game Six: Round Three

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TW: blood mention, falling through the floor, pain, choking

Patton goes to the Bloody Room. He searches for a Doll.

"Dirt and blood, dirt and blood. Well it's got to be in here, right?"
Patton scans the room, hesitantly ducking to peek under the sparse furnishings.

Nothing. No doll, no clue, not a single thing.

Patton gets to his feet, wiping his hands off on his jeans.

"I checked the place that seemed most obvious." He tells the others in the walkie talkie. "I don't see anything."

"Aw c'mon, Pat! I'm not that easy~"

Patton bites his lip, tears brimming as he hears Roman's voice through the speaker. "Shut up. I thought you were my friend."

Roman cackles.


No Doll in the Bloody Room


Remus explores right off the Charred Room. He enters the Collapsed Room.

As the floorboards crack beneath his feet, Remus throws himself forward. He's never been particularly careful with himself, and now that he's got a ticking time bomb over his head (set by his brother of all people) so what's the use in being careful?

By some miracle, he makes it across the gap and pulls himself through the open door.

The graveyard is quiet, and Remus tiptoes between headstones, trying to find something helpful.

No doll here, but as he touches a grave a slide opens up beneath his feet and he goes tumbling downward.

"Well this is cosy." The room is filled with simple beds. As Remus inspects them, he feels something strike his ankle.



No Doll in the Graveyard


Logan attempts to cross the Collapsed Room.

He nearly makes it, but ends up crashing to the floor in the basement.

"Ooooow." He rolls onto his back and sits up slowly. It's pretty easy to see that there's no doll in the room. Logan rubs his head and slowly climbs to his feet.

There is a book in one corner. Logan goes over and picks it up, paging through it absentmindedly.

"Hang on... there's a section here about voodoo dolls."

Logan begins to read, trying to find anything helpful. A proper way to dispose of them, maybe...


No Doll in the Pentagram Chamber


Virgil goes to the Conservatory.

He walks through the room quietly, peering around for anything that could be of interest.

And there it is. Virgil freezes in the center of the room, slowly dropping down to peer into a thorn bush.

There's a small doll tangled in the branches, with round glasses and a mop of yellow string on it's head.

"Patton. Conservatory. Now." He whispers into the walkie talkie, ignoring how shaky his voice sounds. "I found one... I think it's yours."

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