The Dragon Born

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The streets of Winterhold were pitiful. The war had taken it's toll on the people, and yet they somehow seemed to keep smiling. You had been there for a while now, hold up in the city of the stormcloaks. You'd helped your fair share of the people, even flirting a little with the alchemist's assistant. Though it reminded you too much of Vilkas. It was more than a little awkward when he noticed your Amulet, then told you he was interested, remarking about how you were strong, brave and kind to his master who was on his last few months of life. You apologized for leading him on, rejecting him gently. He was nice and kind, but not your Vilkas. The man you still loved to this day, even months after he asked you to leave him alone. You only wore the Amulet to try to move on, but when presented with the opportunity you couldn't get him out of your mind.

Candleharth was your home now, at least for now. You sat there drinking an ale. "The Dragon Born, here? You heard right! She's over there." You heard the voice from behind you, looking back you saw the bard that made her home here as well pointing to you, with an obstructed view of the person. You looked forward, sighing. Great. Another person needing my help. There was a time where you would have loved to help everyone but it was weighing on you now. One request after another, hitting you so hard. Your happiness had faded into the background. Or perhaps it was never meant to be.

You felt a presence behind you, forcing you to sit up straight. "Yea..." You spoke softly. "I am the dragon born." You turned around putting on a forced smile. "What can I help you wi- V.. Vilkas?" Your voice receded into your throat, hold up there was a tiny gasp. He stood in front of you, looking down. You felt yourself blush, avert your eyes and recoil into yourself.

"You really owned that name, huh? It wasn't too long ago that you were called Shield-sister, forsaking it." He was looking at you, his eyes put some pressure on you.

"Yes. It wasn't something I wanted, I guess I grew into it. What... what can I do for you?" You forced yourself to look up to him, the man took a seat.

"It's what I can do for you." You raised a brow, looking at him. "I'm sorry."

"What?" You nearly snapped. "For what? You've done nothing wrong." he seemed surprised to hear that. You sat back in your seat, shaking your head. Your voice lowered greatly. "You were right. If I was there... If I didn't delay... I would have been enough. I could have saved him." You scoffed. "So... don't apologize. You have no reason to."

"I do." He shook his head. "My temperament... it's never been the best. I've always let the fire in me burn out of control."

"But that's the fire I..." You shook your head, looking into his eyes. "I'd fallen for. The one that I loved."

"Loved." He recoiled a little. "So I really did blow it. Aela was so right."

You looked to him, noticing the subtle emotions painted across his face. Someone who didn't know him would simply see an even face, you saw the tilt of his lips into a slight frown, his eyes a bit extra reflective. "Vilkas?"

He looked up, staring into your eyes. "I tracked you down. It took weeks. Those stairs were brutal." You nodded, agreeing with him. "Aela and Farkas are taking care of things. She begged me to go sooner, Farkas kicked me out. I wasn't going to stop until I found you... or after." You felt yourself blush a little. "I'm sorry I treated you that way. In truth... I needed to be a better man for you. I needed to deserve you. How can I deserve you when I let my emotions rule me? I'm just a scared little boy. Instead of stepping up and caring for you when we both lost him, I pushed you away. Pathetic."

You stared at him. He seemed defeated. "It's not Pathetic, you were racked with grief." After a moment you shook your head. "You deserved me because I'm fully in love with you. Your all, your everything. Your emotions, drive and willpower. Strength and kindness. Your brain. I love every ounce of you, you idiot."

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