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She sounded nervous, it was infectious. What could she want to tell you? Your mind raced with the possibilities. It could indeed be anything. The prospect seemed to make your throat dry. It wasn't helped that she pulled you into the study, locking the door behind her. You were focused on the books they had brought back, the look of confusion clear on your face when you heard she needed to speak to you. It left you wondering what happened on that day trip, what her and your brother did, or found.

It was almost as if you were waiting. This whole last year you were waiting to wake up from a dream. Realize you were dead, this was just a form of Sovngarde for you, not having admittance into the hall of valor. Truth be told you'd rather be with her than in the hall. Or perhaps you were waiting for her to wake up simply realizing that you weren't the one. You were happy but these things weighed on you from time to time. You couldn't bring them to her, she wouldn't understand. The woman was always confident in the situation since you'd gotten married. Of course she was, she had all the power, you couldn't live without her. Sometimes you felt as if maybe you had gone soft. Your head shook as you looked around the room. It reminded you of the old man. That set you at ease, noticing the things he left behind. She kept it the exact way he left it and thankfully the others didn't mess with it either.

"Vilkas?" Her voice pulled you out of the stupor. Looking at her soft features comforted you at least a little. You hummed, raising a brow. "Are you alright? I know you don't spend much time in here. We just use your bed, it's big enough for us. Must be hard to be in here, I'm sorry." You eased as you stood there. The woman was so sweet, it melted your heart a little.

"I'm fine, love." You reminded yourself and hopefully her that you were still very much in love. You had hoped that Kodlak's objects would speak to you, but there was only silence. His voice didn't trigger, the old man was fading, a sad moment in your storm of worry. "Thank you for worrying."

"I will always worry. You're the most important person to me, ever." She knew what to say. The woman placed a hand on her hip, looking to you with ease. Your stomach started to settle. "How can I not?" You watched her, even if she was smooth with her words, you could feel her nerves being plucked. The woman was high strung right now. "So much has happened to us, I'm usually in a constant state of worry." You walked to her, closing the gap between you both.

"No need to worry. I'm here." You placed your hands on her shoulders, rubbing them slowly. "You've been tense for a while now. I've noticed. You've been frustrated lately. I know it's been slow going but we will figure this out, we always have."

"Oh... it's..." You watched her blush a little. "It's not just that. We've been working on it for a while, I can feel that we're close. This has to do with us." Your heart nearly sank. You forced a smile, your hands falling from her shoulders.

"Us.. huh?" You couldn't keep your tone high enough, her brows rose in a concave arch, looking at you. "Is... there... anything I can do to help the situation? If I'm not- doing as well I can try harder. I really want to make us work. [Y/N], I never wanted to disapo-"

"WHOA!" She yelled, your eyes shot up to her, wide. Her brows were furrowed, staring at you. "Vilkas. I never even implied that we weren't working. You didn't disappoint me. Hold your tongue boy." You leaned back a little. Odd that right now she picked this time to remind you of the old man. "Don't be daft. I adore my life. You..." She smiled happily, it was a sight to see. "Are the best part of my day. Vilkas... I'm sorry I haven't made you feel it. That's my fault, not yours. I've been distant these past months." You listened to her longing sigh. "I'm... so sorry I let you think that. I couldn't have been pleasant to be around." She leaned in, kissing your cheek. "I've been in a mood."

"Well, why wouldn't you be? We've been climbing this mountain for over a year." You wrapped your arms around her. "It's.... not me then? That's a lot off of my mind."

"I've never had a problem with you. talk to me next time you feel this way, please." Her eyes pleaded with you until you nodded. "Thank you for working so hard, Vilkas you've been my rock throughout all this. It's why this is so hard. I don't want to add to it with..." She shook her head. "No. I'm going to get it out. I need to." She looked up into your eyes. You did your best to give her a comforting smile. Your eyes locked on hers.

You caressed her cheek. "You can always tell me anything." She nodded before taking a deep breath, closing her eyes. After a few long moments she looked into your eyes.

"Vilkas. I've been avoiding you." It was something you've realized. It might have lead to your earlier thoughts. "I'm sorry I should have just spoken to you earlier but I didn't know how you'd react. Or if you'd even want to be with me anymore." You simply listened to her, wanting her to get her thoughts out before you jumped on it. "I'd been getting sick." Your eyes widened a little, but she pushed through it, continuing. "I didn't want you to worry. But then it turned into something else. I visited Arcadia on the way home. I'm now sure. Vilkas, I'm with child." Your jaw started to drop. You were speechless, staring at her. It must have been a while that your brain tried to process it all, failing miserably because she spoke again. "Oh... Oh please say something. Anything..."

It took a moment to realize this was what she was scared of, why she was so nervous. You nodded just enough before wrapping your arms around her ribs, leaning into her to slam your lips into hers. The long kiss was awkward at first, but that was short lived. She relaxed into your arms, falling into it. After a while you broke it, panting heavily with a smile. Your forehead lay on hers, your nose rubbing the tip of hers. Your voice was heavy as you spoke. "I wish you would have told me earlier... Because I think it's just amazing." She stared into your eyes. "We... started a family. One that will stay together. That's special. I'm going to get to do it right." You spoke softer now. "I want you to know I'm only this calm because I don't want to worry you. Bad for our child. I'll cheer louder when I am alone." You cleared your throat. "I uh... Are you showing... yet?"

She nodded slowly. You let her go, the woman lifted her shirt over her stomach. There was a bump there. It was tiny, but there. You gulped, before looking to her almost for permission. She nodded with an excited smile. She looked too cute. You looked back down. Kneeling before her you placed your hand on her stomach. "We made this..." You spoke softly. You leaned in, kissing her stomach. "By the gods... I'm going to be a father. I'm not ready!"

"Is anyone ever really ready?" She chuckled. "Besides my love, you have time. The baby's not going to pop out in a few hours and demand you parent it correctly." You both laughed a little.

"Alright." Your eyes moved to her stomach. "Hang in there 'lil guy. I'll be ready when you come into the world. Me and your mom will make sure you come into this world without the threat of Alduin in it."

"Wait, really?" You watched her tilt her head. "I... assumed that you would have refused to let me be anywhere near that battle..."

"You're the only one that can do it." You smiled softly. "Besides, with you like this there is literally nothing I wouldn't do to protect you both." He paused. "But now we have to take Farkas too. Maybe Aela."

"Why not the whole hall?" You listened to her sarcastically speak.

"I know you're joking but we're going to do that with the dragon." You stood up, your hand still on her stomach. "I have to protect the most amazing woman in the world." You watched her blush. "Gods, you gave me what I've always wanted with the only woman I could ever want it with." You smiled softly. "Let's go lie in bed, with a book. That should at least keep you off your feet for a while. Are you still sick?"

"A little, but it's mostly gone." She smiled softly. "I'm also less grumpy, but bed sounds good. I do have a lead on where to do for the word wall though. I was reading one of the books a little on the way back." You nodded before cuddling her body against your own, walking to the door.

"We'll start with that one then. You've been walking most of the day though, let's get you some rest." You nodded, she simply smiled.

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