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You were in front of her. The woman hated the idea, you knew from the slight furrow in her brow. Still, she relented, walking behind you. Her shoulders were squared, tense from the situation. You knew how she felt, but had to push through it. This was for her, you had to be that rock she knew you as. You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning to see her standing over you on the last bit of the stairs. "Vilkas..." Her voice was smooth and sweet, hitting your ear in a pleasant way. "You're tense." You blinked, looking to her. She noticed what you had not about yourself. "Take a moment, center yourself." You nodded placing your hands on her hips.

"Yes dear." You smirked a little as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not nagging you."

"Yes, dear." You both chuckled a little, before she placed a kiss on your cheek. "I'm sorry I just-"

"Shouldered all the burden?" You looked into her eyes, before thinning out your lips. "Vilkas, I'm not-"

"Broken." You nodded. "I know. But I'm your husband. This is my job." You chuckled. "I don't know where we are, so I'm on edge. The mist over this land is messing with me. I can't tell where we are."

She looked ahead. "Ya, I get it. I have a fear that we might have advanced in time. After I learned they threw him into our time..." She had shaken her head. "I might not have been out of line to inform them we may be lost after this. But we'll be together." She smiled. That smile could get you through anything. You took her hand, guiding her down the final few steps before pulling out a torch. It took a moment, but you lit it.

"Home is where you are, love." She smiled to you, again your heart swells within your chest. "Alright, we can't see very far, but further than before. It's still not familiar to me. I'm worried we aren't in Skyrim anymore." She nodded slowly, crowding closer to you as you walked. Your eyes adjusted, holding the torch out a little as you walked. 

"I share your sentiment. As long as we're together, I am home." You felt yourself smile softly before a voice from the mist spoke.

"W- Who's there?" You both look to one another before back into the mist. You were silent, placing a finger on her lips and slowing your pace. "I see the light. It's not Alduin, I hear no wings flapping."

"Alduin..." She whispered. You walked ahead of her a bit, making sure that your entire senses were locked on the noise. You would turn into a wolf to protect her if you needed, though it's been years at this point. You would do what you needed, she was your everything, without her there was no reason for you to go on. You looked behind you, nodding.

"I hear you." The voice demanded. "Come out." The voice was deep, somehow shook you to your core. As if you've done anything wrong, or the disembodied voice could even judge you. You looked behind you, handing her the torch.

"Stay here... If this is going to be a fight we are going to have the upper hand." You whispered into her ear. You felt her body shiver, forcing you to gulp. "Don't worry. You won't lose me." You kissed her deeply, before turning to face the mist. Slowly you moved into it, clearing your throat. "I'm here." You spoke loudly. "I would be glad to come out but I can't find you."

You heard something shift to your left, turning your head to the sound. There was a ragged breath. "Because of Alduin you have to follow the rock walls here. I was just trying to find my way when I got trapped in this mist." You followed the voice.

"Then perhaps I can help you find your way." You chuckled. "Once I find my own."

"Wait." You stood still as if the voice commanded it of you. You heard a footstep towards you. "The voice it's so familiar to me. It's comforting." You stood up tall, looking in the distance as a figure started to come into view. "Boy, is that you?" You raised a brow, not having been called boy to your face for a while.

"Wait." Your muscles relaxed a little as the figure continued towards you. Your eyes strained, looking into the light mist. "Boy? Only one man calls me that..."

"And it's good I do." The figure stepped out of the mist into view, Kodlak standing before you, his form hard to see but so distinct to you that there was no mistaking the hollow image. "Vilkas, my boy. Oh gods, if you're here. Skyrim suffered a great loss, as well as her. You-" He paused, looking over you. "Wait... You're not like me. You're whole."

"K.. Kodlak...." All you could do was stumble over his name.  You felt tears start to well up in your eyes. "I... You're... but how?"

He chuckled. "Calm down, boy. My spirit was strong enough to endure. I missed you when she freed me from the hunting grounds."

You blushed brightly, averting your eyes. "I couldn't go. I wasn't worthy of helping you. I let my emotions boil over. How could I face you like that? Or her..." You closed your eyes. "I proposed to her the night before she left for the witches. She never heard it, left in the morning and that's the day..."

"I died." He spoke so calmly about it all, looking to you with the wisdom of his expertise.

"Yes, well I told her... to leave me alone. She did." You looked to the old man, who nodded slowly. It did sound like you. "I didn't deserve to help you or her."

"Oh..." He paused, looking down. "So she's not the Harbinger, or around..." He looked up, trying to smile. "I'm sorry my boy. I always thought you two were made for one another."

You looked up quickly, before shaking your head. "Oh! I'm such an idiot." Kodlak looked confused. "She didn't leave. She's actually right here with us." You turned. "Follow me, mast-" You paused, seeing the look on his face. It felt so good to fall back into place, as if you've missed no step at all. "Kodlak." You retraced your steps back to her. She stood holding the torch in both hands.

"Vilkas!" You breathed raggedly. "Thank the gods, I was worried."

"Oh..." Kodlak smiled brightly. "You're a sight for my old sore eyes."

"Kodlak?!" Her steps were quick. You took the torch from her before she placed her hands on his shoulders. "It is so good to see you."

"It's better to see you alive. When I saw Vilkas I worried for the worst, my heart dropped when he told me you were here." He looked between you both, seeing the confusion. "Oh... You don't know where you are, do you?" You shook your head slowly. "We're in Sovngarde, my boy! I lost my way to the Hall of Valor though when this mist showed up. Alduin comes and goes as he pleases. Terrorizing lost souls that wind up here. I've only survived because, well."

"Because you're our Kodlak." She smiled brightly. You found yourself smiling as well. "I've missed you so much. We both have. The hall is not the same without you. The others are stepping up. Especially in my absence. Because apparently I couldn't find Alduin because he's been hiding in the land of the dead." She sighed. "Kodlak, I will right this wrong. You've been through enough without having to deal with this. Your spirit should be at rest." You looked to her, smiling a little. There was that sweet wonderful woman you fell so madly over.

"You always save me, my girl." He pushed some of her hair out of the way. Looking over her for a while he paused. "You look tired yourself. You've been at this a while, huh? You." He blinked. "You're with child..."

"How did you..."

"I feel it." Kodlak chuckled. "Besides, you are tired, but your skin is clear, your eyes are shining and you look happy. I hope the guy knows how special you are."

"I do." You stood back with the torch. "Though sometimes I'm a jerk."

"But you said."

"Yes, that happened. But as you said. We're made for one another." You smiled watching her blush. "How could I move on from perfect? She's my wife... actually."

She was blushing brighter, giving you a soft look. "I can't work without him." Kodlak laughed heartily.

"I already knew that, girl. I'm just... there's going to be a baby in Jorvaskr again. I'm not going to be there..."

"You are in spirit." You nodded slowly. "All the lessons you've given me. Us. Will live on in them." You moved to her, putting an arm around her. "So Alduin is here. We'll find the hall, take care of the beast and be back before you know it old man." Kodlak smiled with a nod. "I'm so happy to see you."

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