Chapter 12: Hello, I am Elias

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When I made it home Wednesday, I was exhausted from the tour and slept the entire day

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When I made it home Wednesday, I was exhausted from the tour and slept the entire day. I had the same planned for Thursday but when I woke up that morning at 7 AM, I decided to do something productive by heading to the Performance Center to make sure I didn't regress when I eventually see in-ring action.

We did the usual conditioning exercises and then partnered up in the ring to run drills and matches. When it was time to break, I leaned over, hands on my knees to catch my breath.

"Damn bitch, it's only been, what? A month and a half of you being out of the ring and a few drills have you blown out?" Bianca asked, laughing.

"Try being on the road for two straight weeks and sleeping for less than 4 hours every night before having to catch a flight early the next morning and see how energetic you are," I said. "Also, let me point out that I just carried you in the ring, blown out and all."

"Yeah, you're more experienced but does it really matter when I'm shown wrestling almost every week on NXT while you're being portrayed on TV as the sexy guitar holder of Elias?" she shot back and my eyes narrowed. "Calm down, it's a joke. Anyway, speaking of Elias, he's still alive and well so I'm guessing you're tolerating him okay?"

"Well, uh...uhm..." I stammered.

Bianca's jaw dropped. "O...M...G. You're doing more than tolerating him, aren't you?"

In a few moments of weakness and incredibly poor judgment, I made a series of bad decisions with Elias, each one progressively worse but Bianca didn't need to know that. No one did. I shook my head. "Eww, it's not like that. I don't want to kill him anymore but there are still times where I want to choke him out so if that's what you consider as 'more than tolerating him', I guess I am."

"Yay, progress!" Bianca cheered. "What he said about you was inexcusable but before that, I, personally, thought he was charming. I truly believe if that hadn't happened, you two would be couple goals for sure."

"I don't see it but whatever," shrugging, I stood up when I heard Sara blow the whistle signaling that our break was over.

Later, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things before heading back to my apartment. When I pulled up, the man who drove me insane was a few cars down cleaning out his trunk. Maybe if I didn't make eye contact or acknowledge him, he'd ignore me, too. Unlikely, but it was worth a shot.

Being away from him for the first time in two long weeks gave me time to reflect on the situation without my conflicted feelings toward him clouding my judgement. I came to the conclusion that sex was a mistake of epic proportions. At least when the handjob occured I could blame the alcohol to make myself feel better but the last two incidents proved that Elias still had an effect on me when I was sober.

Gathering my bags, I peeked over at him to see if he'd spotted me. His head was still down. Good. Here goes nothing. I kept my eyes on the pavement as I started my journey to the front door.

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