Chapter 30: Beat This Heart

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Why would Bayley forsake me and become awesome? Finally! Never thought I'd live to see the day. I love it! But it has no place here...:-) And I know Clash of Champions isn't until the 15th but who cares...

It's the longest chapter yet so get comfortable.


Bayley and I sat across the table from each other in the ring during our contract signing, moderated by Shane for our match on Sunday.

She was in the middle of her promo. "...and I've dealt with women like you my whole career. Women who have told me I wasn't pretty enough, told me-"

"I've never mentioned physical beauty or attractiveness, let's start there before you begin your woe is me speech," I interrupted. "You can be the plainest of Janes and still be a Diva. You can be a man, woman or child and still be a Diva. You can even have one foot in the grave and still be a Diva!"

Marketing 101: Be inclusive.

"Okay, in your case, glamorous enough, is that better?" she asked and I nod. "From the fans hyping you up to management filming your every move for TV despite me being the champ...I've had a change of heart and realized that it's still very much about looks but no matter how many pretty girls they've shoved out here, I come out on top each and every time. I'm sure that's what leaves women like you bitter when someone who isn't the standard is triumphant."

"If anything, I'm bitter because people constantly make excuses for your mediocrity. It's tiring. A Diva scoffs at inadequacy. I always wonder why the fans are so hard on some but not others. Maybe it's because you're a Horsewoman. That's right, the Four. Scratch the women's revolution because it always has and always will revolve around you four while the rest of us are supposed to be happy for the crumbs management throws us...but not anymore. Before the women's revolution, there was a Diva's Revolution and it's making a comeback on Sunday when I leave Clash of Champions as the Smackdown Women's Champion," I yell into the mic before signing my name on the dotted line to make the match official. I looked up at Shane. "And when I win, I want a clause in my contract to keep those Four Horsebitches far away from me and my title. They talk about wanting to give the other women in the back opportunities but I'm actually going to do it."

Elias was in the same spot I left him backstage, sitting on top of a stack of WWE equipment trunks with his guitar. "Welcome back."

"Do you have my phone?" I asked and he pulled it from his back pocket. "When's your match?"

"In about twenty minutes," he replied, jumping down to his feet. "So, I better get going. Will you be here when I return?"

"Of course! Always," we kissed. I took the time to look down at my phone and scroll through Twitter. By the time, I looked up again, I noticed that he'd left his guitar pick sitting on the trunk. I moved to grab it and run it to him but he always carried spares because they were easy to lose or drop.

"Why do the prettiest women always have the lowest self-esteem?" I heard Dolph's voice behind me. "You are so disappointing, Alaina. I gave you videographic proof of those disparaging comments he made and what do you do? You go back to him...even after he fucked another woman."

"Dolph, I..." my voice went silent as I saw Elias over Dolph's shoulder. How long he'd been standing there? Judging by his expression, he'd heard the whole thing. I'd never seen him so angry and I was breathless at the sight. Elias slung his guitar down which was telling so quickly, I moved to step in front of him as he glared over at Dolph.

"You motherfucker!" he emitted a low and menacing rumble from deep in his chest.

I pushed on his chest to back him away but his feet were planted firmly to the floor, unmoving. "Elias, baby, calm down. He's not worth it, okay? Don't you have a match next?"

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