Chapter 21: Acapella (The Remix)

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Part 2
There was a knock on my door early Wednesday morning at around 9:00. I certainly wasn't expecting any visitors. Maybe if I ignored the doorbell, they'd go away. I'd just come off the road for four gruelling days and deserved to sleep in. As the knock became a pound, I sat up in bed. Whoever it was didn't seem to be taking a hint.

👸🏻: Open the door...

I blinked, looking down at my phone. In a rush, I hurried to my front door and swung it open.

Sure enough, she was standing there in my doorway. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I said, dejectedly, stepping aside to allow her to enter.

Alaina looked around, inspecting the place. She walked over to my various guitars lined up against the wall under the window. Now that I think about, this was her first time coming to my apartment. I always came to her. She ran a hand over my countertop and shrieked when it became dusty. I was a wrestler, not a maid.

"Your bachelor pad is so man-ish," she shivered, going over to the sofa. "I guess it could've been worse. At least there aren't any dirty socks, mildewed pizza boxes, empty beer cans or used condoms scattered on the floor. Anyway, judging your living arrangement isn't why I'm here. I want to talk...civilized."

"Oh, now you want to talk," I snorted. "You should've come to me as soon as you found out because at least then I wouldn't have been blindsided by you flipping on me."

I know she had to have felt lonely, vulnerable and alone. Still, it was no excuse; she should have talked to me, rather than keeping it inside like that.

"To be honest, I never gave you a fair chance because most of the time, I was sitting around waiting for you to fuck up and when you did, I latched on to it," she confessed. "I hated you for every second of those three weeks. I convinced myself that you never loved me, that you were playing me from the very beginning. I thought that might help but it didn't. I had to face the fact that you do love me and I love you but my shame wasn't enough to let it slide. I won't apologize for my emotions and the way I felt initially...the way I still feel about what was said but I'm sorry for my actions. I'm ready to work through this and try again if you want to."

I couldn't bring myself to look at her, turning my back. "I can't express how sorry I am for saying it...but I'm going to need some time, Alaina."

"Wha-" she sounded stunned. I heard her sigh and the hardwood floor creaked as she stood. "Okay, well, you know where I live."

I didn't respond as I heard the door close. FUCK! I should've been thrilled by this. Her coming to me had to have taken a lot which showed just how serious she was. Of course I wanted Alaina back. I needed her back but I needed time more...time to figure out what I was going to do about Liv.
"You can sleep in my room if you want..."

"I don't know, Liv," I shook my head.

"Why not? It's better than going all the way down there," she pointed out.

I thought about it. What if I walked to the hotel and they had no vacancies either and if they did have rooms, I already knew the place was shitty so chances are, I wouldn't get much sleep. I'd have to wake up earlier than usual to walk back down here. What if Alaina left in the rental? What if everyone else was gone so I'd need a ride. I'd have to Uber to the airport. It all seemed like too much of a hassle but I couldn't take Liv's offer...or could I? As of right now, I was a single man and should start acting like one. That meant I could go and do whatever I wanted.

"Lead the way," I replied.

Of course we'd end up on the same floor as Alaina and just when I thought things couldn't have gotten any worse, they did. Liv's room was right across from hers. If Alaina came out for any reason at this very moment, she'd catch us.

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