Chapter 23

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[Hello Everybody! I'm Just Gonna Say Sorry For The Late Upload And I Hope You Enjoy It. Kay, Bye ❤️]
~Craig's POV~

"Rise And Shine Fuckers!"

I Groan And Roll Out Of Bed And On to The Floor Which Startled Brian. He Shot Up And Looked At Me As I Refused To Get Up, The Only Noise Heard Was Smii7y's Laughter. I Slowly Rolled On To My Back And Looked At Brian To See Him Starting At Smii7y.

"The Hell?"
"It Was Time To Get Up, So I Woke You Guys Up!"

I Slowly Sat Up And Brian Looked Back Over At Me Before Smii7y Looked Over At Me With An Smile. Curse Him--- Smii7y Slowly Made His Way To The Door Before Stopping.

"Oh Yeah! John Made French Toast For Us So Come Down When You're Ready!"

And With That, Smii7y Was Gone Leaving Brian And Me Alone. I Slowly Pulled Myself Off Of The Floor As Brian Got Up And Helped Me Up. I Thanked Him As He Went And Got Himself Clothes. As Soon As He Backed Away I Got Myself Clothes Before Seeing Him Now Shirtless... Curses Again. I Quickly Looked Away With A Red Face As Brian Laughed.

"What? Can't Handle What You Saw?~"
"Brian I Swear To God-----"
"Ha! Get Out Of Here You Goof."

And With That Said, I Left The Room And Went To The Bathroom Before Changing. We Ended Up Going Downstairs Together To See John And Smii7y Talking, It Seems They Waited For Us To Eat. We Walked Over With A Small Good Morning And Grabbed Our Plates Before Sitting Down. We All Began To Eat And Talk Until The Plan Came Up, Smii7y And I Stayed Quiet For The Whole Conversation. Thank The Lord's When Smii7y Lucky Changed The Conversation.

After Breakfast We Ended Up Playing Some Mario Kart Which We All Regretted Since Brian Kept Winning. In The End Of That Smii7y Dumped Water On Him As A Sign Of 'Fuck You' Yet We All Laughed. After Brian Got Cleaned Up We Decided To Take Turns Playing Other Games Since No One Else Wanted To See Brian Win For The 48th Time. I Even Agreed To Play One Game Of Fortnite, Mainly Because Brian Wanted To Get Back Into Shape On It. I Didn't Do To Bad With The Help Of The Others But I Didn't Do Too Good Either. After One Last Game Of Fortnite I Checked The Time.

"Well Shit."
"Wassup Craig?"
"It's 4:30"

Smii7y Sprung Up When Hearing The Time, I Laughed Lightly.  He Looked Back At Us.

"Well, If We Wanna Do That Plan Tonight We Might As Well Do It Before We Puke Out Any Food. Yeah?"

John Slowly Got Up With Smii7y's Help Before Brian Got Up And Helped Me Up. Today Is The Day I Guess, I Don't Want It To Happen As Much But I Can't Stop Them. We Ended Up All Hoping Into Smii7y's Car And Riving Off To Evans. This Is Gonna Kill Me In The End, I Just Feel It.

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