Chapter 1: Silver Lining

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Chapter 1: Silver Lining

"No" Severus Snape said, shaking his head as he looked at Albus in disgust.
"No Albus, you cannot ask me to do this" He said, his greasy hair drifting lightly around his face as he once again shook his head.
"Please Severus, you're the only one that I can think of who can properly protect him" Albus said gently, "Harry needs the protection this year with Professor Umbridge teaching here" He said, leaning forward slightly, hands perched on his desk. In the corner Fawkes trilled softly, causing Severus to shudder as he regarded the Head Master.
"But why me Albus? Why can't Minerva do it?" He wheedled, looking desperately at the wise man.
"Because Minvera has enough to do as it is, you are the only one Severus" Albus said again, looking at the man he considered to be one of his closest friends.
"I-" Seveus cut off, seeing the desperation in Albus' eyes.
"Fine, I'll do it" Severus said, slumping forward as Albus sighed in relief.
"Thank you Severus" He said gently, before letting the miserable potions Professor head out of his office.
Fawkes trilled again and Albus nodded, "Indeed old friend, Severus will be the right one for this job, even if he doesn't know it yet"


Harry Potter sighed, kicking the door to the cupboard under the stairs with a dejected expression on his face. Once again he was locked back in the dank, tiny room, only this time, he was alright with it. Being locked in here meant that he wasn't subjected to his Uncle's treatments of him, and he was able to lick his wounds in private and try and heal as best as he could. His entire back ached, but that was nothing in comparison to the fierce burning he felt from 'down there'. He had come home from his fourth year at Hogwarts utterly defeated by Cedric's death and the return of the Dark Lord and Vernon had taken advantage of that. Harry was his new favorite thing, his toy if you will. He couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts, even if it meant facing the drama of the wizarding world. Anything was better then staying here.

He shifted, hissing in pain as he looked around, wondering vaugly what time it was. He had recieved a letter from Dumbledore last night, stating that he would be coming to the school early and he'd been sending someone to pick him up at noon today. The Dursley's were gone for the day, something for Vernon's work, which meant Harry would hopefully be gone when they returned. He couldn't wait to get to Hogwarts, even if it was nearly a month early and he had no idea why.

The sound of the front door opening had Harry tensing rather badly as he waited with baited breath to see if it was either someone to rescue him, or the Dursley's back early.
"Mr Potter?" Snape's sikly voice sounded, causing Harry to breath in relief. Who knew he'd ever be relieved to hear the snarky potion Professor's voice.
"In here Professor" He croaked out, wincing as he heard the sharp intake of breath and the loud bang as the cupboard door was blown off its hinges.
"What are you doing in here Potter?" Snape hissed, though instead of looking angry at Harry, the Professor actually looked concerned.
"They lock me in here when they're gone so I can't mess up the house or steal food" Harry answered, he and Snape had come to a bit of an agreement last year when Severus had discovered Harry didn't lead the blessed life that everyone assumed he did. He and Snape had never been friends, but the Potions Master had tuned down his treatment of Harry once he had discovered the well kept secret.
"Well come on then Potter, we need to get to Hogwarts" Snape said, summoning Harry's trunk and school items as he looked the young, raven-haired teen over. Potter looked smaller then he had when he had left Hogwarts at the end of the school year. Vivid brusies stood out on his stark white skin, and Severus suspected the rest of his body looked just as bad.
"Poppy will heal you as best she can once we're at school" He said, taking the boy's arm and placing his shrunk trunk and items in his pocket before letting Harry's owl go, she was clever and would meet them at the school.

Gingerly he took the boy's arm, before disapperating the pair of them to Hogwarts.


"What happened to him?" Severus croaked from his place between Albus and Minerva, neither of them seemed able to speak.
"He was raped, repeatedly" Poppy said in a detached voice, the one she used when speaking of patients who were injured or abused and she had to deal with it in order to heal them.
"Oh gods" Albus said, his gnarled hands gripping Severus' hand tightly.
"How can we help him?" Minerva asked, tears running openly down her face.
"Well Albus' plan for Harry's year might actually be extremely helpful" Poppy said, "Harry can heal and be kept away from the general population of students, it should help him. Provided Severus is still willing?" She looked at the Potions Professor.
"Yes, of course" Severus said, looking at the boy with sad eyes. He knew Har-Potter's life had been bad, but not this bad.
"Then when he awakes, we'll fill him in on the plan and set things in motion" Albus said, looking one last time at Harry before slipping from the room, followed by Minerva and finally Severus.

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